100 Days of Gratitude

October 1, 2019

Gratitude! It’s “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. In other words, it is the act of being grateful or thankful for something.

There are many studies that have been done recently on gratitude, and how the act of taking a moment to appreciate something and being grateful for it is actually beneficial to ones health and well-being.

We will soon have more writings on this subject here on The Whole Living Hub, but for now, I want to present a challenge that I hope you will join me in doing.

It’s called #100daysofgratitude. Each day, for the next 100 days, we are going to identify one thing that we are grateful or thankful for.

Today is the 1st of October, 2019. There are less than 100 days left of this calendar year, so this challenge will take us into the new year, and will hopefully help us start a real habit that we can take into our 2020 and beyond.

The challenge is that each day, you must identify a different thing (ie. you cannot use the same thing more than once) that you are grateful or thankful for, and take a photo of that thing and then write at least ten words (but no more than 100 words) on why you are grateful for it. Then post to your social media using the hashtag #100daysofgratitude.

I will post mine here each day (see below) and on my personal social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter).

So come on and join in, follow along, and let’s make the next 100 days full of gratitude and watch how much it changes us and the world around us for the better.

Day 1 – 1st October, 2019

Hot Running Water/Shower

We ran out of gas for our hot water on Monday last week and because we only get bottles delivered every Friday (and I refused to pay the almost $200 extra to get an emergency delivery), we had no hot water for our showers. So, we went back to the ‘olden days’ and took bucket showers. It was fun for the first day or two, but then the novelty wore off and it became a time consuming frustration. We were very glad when the gas arrived on Friday. Today, I am grateful for hot running water for my daily shower.

Day 2 – 2nd October, 2019


Playing music, like on piano, helps ones mind to focus. Music brings clarity, peace, concentration and it stirs up emotions. It helps us feel and think, and generally helps us feel better. I am constantly listening to various genres of music throughout my day, depending on what I am doing. Mostly though, I love listening to and singing along to worship music. It just does something for the soul. Today, I am grateful for music.

Day 3 – 3rd October, 2019


There is simply nothing more wholesome, peaceful or refreshing than the undiluted sounds of nature. For me, a rushing waterfall is the epitome of bliss. When we stand and soak in the beauty of creation, it soothes us and brings us peace. It’s where we can feel closer to God, our Creator. Today, I am grateful for waterfalls.

Day 4 – 4th October, 2019

This morning I got to have brekky with this cute chicky (yes, she is dressed in a unicorn onesie). After dropping her siblings off at Encounterfest (a two-day experience put on by Hillsong Church for High School aged kids), we headed to one of our favourite cafes and had a quiet meal together. There’s just something really special about spending some one-on-one time with our children. Oh! and the conversations we have are pretty wonderful too. Today, I am grateful for one-on-one time with my kids!

Day 5 – 5th October, 2019


Ah, that moment when you walk out your front door to go for your morning walk and you get a glimpse of the sun as it begins it’s ascent into the vast expanse of the sky above. Sunrise! The dawning of a new day. The awakening of potential, new opportunities, hope, and ‘what-if’s’. It’s a gift, a new chance, another moment to live, another day to make your mark on the world. Today, I am grateful for the sunrise!

Day 6 – 6th October, 2019


Church! The dictionary describes Church as a building, but I believe it’s more about the people. It’s a community of Christ followers, worshipping and doing life together in one accord. It’s a place where broken people come to find healing. It’s a haven, a refuge, a training facility, a development catalyst, a worship sanctuary, a ‘one-stop-shop’ for your spiritual growth and general wellness, if you like. To me, Church is life! Today, I am grateful for my Church!

Day 7 – 7th October, 2019

Public Holidays!

Public Holidays! A day of sleep in, relaxation or adventure, and togetherness. It’s nice to have the odd day in your week where you don’t have to go to work or school and you can just take it easy and play it how it comes. And after a busy few days it’s nice to have an extra day of rest. Tomorrow the children go back to School for Term 4 and Jonno & I are back at work and our normal routine kicks in, but today, we can just be! Today, I am grateful for Public Holidays!

Day 8 – 8th October, 2019

School Community that Prays!

This morning as school started back for Term 4, I was invited to come and pray with a group of parents and teachers for our school community. Each week this group faithfully meet and uphold our school in prayer – calling on God for His covering, protection, guidance, wisdom, but most of all for His presence to be evident. It was such a privilege to be a part of this prayer group today – it really felt like God was in our midst. Today, I’m so grateful for a school community that prays!

Day 9 – 9th October, 2019

Friends who are Family!

Friends! There is nothing quite like having good friends in your corner. Last Saturday, my beautiful friend Emma invited our family over for a meal. It was kinda last minute, yet the meal was lovely and the company even better. We sat around the fire pit, ate yummy food from plates on our laps and chatted. It was simply wonderful! …I have countless stories to tell of all the other friendships and gatherings we have been privileged to be a part of here in Queensland. Good friends have made us feel at home here, they’ve welcomed us into their lives and families. That’s what friendship and community is all about. Today, I am grateful for friends who are family!

Day 10 – 10th October, 2019

My Husband!

My man, my husband! To be partnered in life with someone who makes you laugh, makes life fun, is strong when I’m weak, is gentle when I’m too tough, is the greatest blessing. Now that we are back working together, I realise how much I missed it. He brings me coffee every morning, he makes me lunch everyday and I drive him wherever he needs to go (except for this morning when I took this pic of him driving 🤪). I think we make a wonderful team! Today, I am grateful for my husband. Jonno, you are simply the best! 😘

Day 11 – 11th October, 2019


Rain! Finally! After a couple of really hot days, we got a cool day, and in the afternoon a bit of rain. It wasn’t much and it didn’t last for long but it was enough to make one completely wet. Falling on the window pane, the windscreen wipers even had to go on for a bit – I think we all forgot they actually had a function 🤪. There’s just something so soothing about seeing and hearing those little drops of moisture falling. It’s definitely one of my favourite things. Today, I am grateful for the rain!

Day 12 – 12th October, 2019

Lazy Saturday Mornings…

There is simply nothing as wonderful as a lazy Saturday morning, when you can sleep in, lounge around and take it easy – especially after a few busy weeks. Then your husband, who is an early riser, brings you coffee and you continue to kick back whilst reading a good book, all snuggled and cozy. Absolute bliss! Today, I am grateful for lazy Saturday mornings!

Day 13 – 13th October, 2019

Hillsong Worship’s New Album: AWAKE

“Awake my soul and sing!” – some of the many inspiring lyrics rolling around in my head, after listening to Hillsong Worship’s newest album on loop for the last few days. The songs on here are soul reviving. I’ve found myself overcome with sobbing as my heart cries out before the Lord “make my whole life Your upper room.” It’s communion with God in the best way. I’m so thankful that I get to be a part of a Church that produces such incredible music, for such a time as this. Today, I am grateful for “AWAKE”!

Day 14 – 14th October, 2019


Coffee! The nectar of life! Not really, but sometimes it feels like that. It seems to be the juice that gets me up and out of bed in the morning, and it keeps me going when the day seems to drag, or when I’ve done too much driving and can’t keep my eyes open. It’s energy giving and it tastes wonderful when it’s made well. Okay, the truth is I’m addicted to it! 🤪 But seriously, sometimes there is nothing better than a good cup of coffee. Today, I am grateful for coffee!

Day 15 – 15th October, 2019

My Car!

It seems like my children have busier lives than I do these days. Now that I have three teenagers and a pre-teen in the house, life seems to be spent on the road more often than not. Sometimes, it feels like my name is ‘taxi-mum’ or ‘uber’-mamma. Don’t get me wrong though, I love it. I enjoy the chats and the one-on-one time that I get to have with each child as I ferry them around. And I love driving! My car has all the latest mod-cons and fancy do-dads that make it an absolute pleasure. Today, I am grateful for my car (and I’m pretty sure my kids are too 😜)!

Day 16 – 16th October, 2019


Another one of my favourite things to do is read. There is nothing like the joy I feel when I can relax into a good box. To have a day with endless uncomplicated hours, where I can sit and read, living other peoples lives through the pages of a book. …And the smell and feel of a actual, real life book in your hands is such a wonderful thing! This afternoon you will find me situated here, book in one hand, a cuppa in the other and a pile of unread books stacked neatly next to me, waiting impatiently to be devoured by my eyes. Today, I am grateful for Books!

Day 17 – 17th October, 2019

My Kidlets!

This bunch! This crew that call me Mum & make us a Clan – they are all kinds of wonderful! Truthfully, I never really wanted children. I was determined to work my way up the corporate ladder and become a successful business woman. But God had different plans and I am so very thankful for that. Now I can’t imagine my life without these blessings in it. They are pretty AWESOME! I’m enjoying them now more than ever and I’m trying to squeeze the most out of every second I have with them cos I know they won’t be under my roof forever. Today, I am grateful for my children!

Day 18 – 18th October, 2019


Yesterday afternoon there was a massive storm in our area, with a huge downpour of rain that was over before we could really enjoy it. And of course, because we live on the edge of suburbia, the power went out in our area. It was actually really nice and quiet. We spent the afternoon reading our books and when it started getting dark, we lit candles, got takeout for dinner and sat around chatting. We all went to bed early and slept well in the complete darkness, with no white noise. When we woke up the power was back on, but it helped us really appreciate electricity and how easy it makes our lives. Today, I am grateful for Electricity!

Day 19 – 19th October, 2019

Last night we were invited to feast with friends. This beautiful family (The Cox’s) have moved to Queensland from South Africa and they blessed our Clan with a South African BBQ. It was a wonderful array of smoky barbecued meat, salad and hot roasted potatoes, finished with huge marshmallow s’mores. It was absolutely delicious! We spent hours chatting around the fire as it was cooking our meal, the smoke and aromas tantalising our senses. And the company, well, belly laughs got me aching! We were beautifully welcomed, loved on and served. It was late before we knew it and we didn’t want to go home. There’s something so precious about great friends. Today, I am grateful for South African BBQ’s and Feasting with Friends!

Day 20 – 20th October, 2019

The Bible!

The Bible! The True and Living Word of God. As a Christian, this book has been like breath to me – essential to my everyday living. My guide book for life. It’s my favourite book, my go-to, my help, my teacher, my comfort. Full of wisdom, rules and promises; poems and songs; stories and dreams; answers and questions; and most importantly, grace and love. There is no other book quite like it and it’s still the number one best seller in the world. Today, I am grateful for The Bible!

Day 21 – 21st October, 2019

Today, my son & I took a train from Brisbane to Sydney. It took over 15 hours to travel that distance, but it was relaxing and enjoyable, and we could really watch the scenery as it passed us by. I finished reading two books and spent some time just thinking and dozing. It was simply wonderful! I took these photos from the train. Today, I am grateful for trains!

Day 22 – 22nd October, 2019

My Kindle!

Reading! It’s one on my favourite things to do aside from writing. I love the feel and smell of actual physical books, but when I’m travelling, with space and weight restrictions, my Kindle is the go. It makes reading anything, anywhere easy and even when it’s dark out, I can still keep reading. I have thousands of books on mine. Yesterday, when we were on the train for over 15 hours, all our other devices ran out of batteries, but my Kindle was still going strong. Today, I am grateful for my Kindle!

Day 23 – 23rd October, 2019

This morning, my son and I ventured out of our hotel to explore Darling Harbour in Sydney, Australia. It was simply beautiful! After a bit of a walk around, we found a shady spot and sat for a long while enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of this wonderful place. Today, I am grateful for Beautiful Places!

Day 24 – 24th October, 2019

Today I am grateful for Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference #wcc2019
No more words – just so very thankful! @ Hillsong Hills Campus | Sydney

Day 25 – 25th October, 2019

These past few days, at Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference, I have experienced Worship like never before, met up with friends – old and new, received words that have resonated deep within my soul, connected with people that only God could have brought across my path, been inspired, blessed and broken in the best possible way.
I have run out of tears and yet they are still falling as I stand in awe and wonder, amazed yet again, at the goodness and grace of Our beautiful Saviour.
It’s almost too difficult to put into words, when clarity comes and you see things that you always knew were there, but now they are bright before your eyes, revealed in a new way, unpacked unexpectedly with different words, a new sound that starts to resonate within – a fresh perspective.
And oh how He loves us! Each one of us. Every single person with breath in their lungs. All of His creation. He LOVES us!
Today, I am grateful! Simply grateful!

Day 26 – 26th October, 2019

Being away from home for a week was wonderful in many ways. This years Worship & Creative Conference was honestly THE BEST EVER! #wcc2019
Spending one-on-one time with my son, cherishing every single moment and crying buckets of tears watching him worship & then rub shoulders with the greats in his chosen industry – words can’t quite express my gratitude for that.
But coming home is simply bliss!
To be able to put on my comfy clothes; sit on my relaxing recliner couch; spend as long as I want in the bathroom; eat whatever I want from my fridge; enjoy cuddle’s with my kids; stretch out on my own bed – there is just nothing like it.
Home! …and to feel the strong, warm arms of my husband wrapping around me in welcome – nothing compares to that!
Today, I am grateful for Home!

Day 27 – 27th October, 2019


Sunday afternoon naps! Great for recharging, replenishing, rebooting and relaxing. After an incredible week away and a busy morning at Church, I crashed onto my favourite spot on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Today’s nap lasted for a few hours longer than intended, so I missed out on going to Church this evening, but oh, it was worth it! Now I feel almost normal again and ready to face another new week. Today, I am grateful for Sunday afternoon naps!

Day 28 – 28th October, 2019


Sandwiches! I love a well built stack of veges, meat and cheese pressed between two pieces of fresh crusty bread. So very healthy and delicious. Today I am grateful for Sandwiches!

Day 29 – 29th October, 2019


I love golden hour, when the sun is in that perfect spot on the horizon where everything it touches seems to turn to gold. It reminds me to ask myself – did I see the gold in something or someone today? Sunset is the closing of a day. The space between daytime and night. The resolve to our waking hours. To me it signifies completeness, rest and respite. And oh! how I love that each sunset is never the same as the one before. The glorious brush strokes of colour that the Artisan Creator paints across the sky each evening – a new masterpiece. Today, I am grateful for Sunset!

Day 30 – 30th October, 2019

Extended Family!

Extended Family! Today we had some family visit from Melbourne. I hadn’t seen my cousin and his beautiful wife for many years, and we hadn’t ever met their gorgeous little daughter. They came up to Queensland for a holiday and popped in for a visit. It was so lovely to catch up, to fill each other in on where life has taken us and to reminisce about things past. Honestly, it made me miss my extended family back in Victoria – we will have to make a trip down and visit them all soon. …And while they were here visiting with me & the kids, Jonno was in New Zealand visiting with his parents. Today, I am grateful for Extended Family!

Day 31 – 31st October, 2019


I love being outside, going on walks through nature or sitting in lush green grass under the shade of a tree. Even on the hottest, sunniest day, if there is a cool breeze, I am happy. But, my skin doesn’t love the sun. With my European heritage comes pale skin and light, blonde hair and that is an immediate recipe for roasting to a cinder within seconds of sun exposure. Sitting outside in the bright sunshine, waiting for my children to finish school today, reminded me that my hat literally is saving my skin. Today, I am grateful for my hat!

Day 32 – 1st November, 2019

Ah, the end of the week! This week has been big, full and tiring – with the sweetness of last weeks conference still permeating, and Jonno being away for work, and the children having all sorts of extra things on, I’m very glad that this week is coming to an end and the weekend is upon us. I must admit, it’s been a good week, but it has drawn on all my reserves and I’m kinda done (just being honest 🤪). Today, I am grateful that this week is over and now we can enjoy the weekend.

Day 33 – 2nd November, 2019


Planes! One of the fastest ways to travel to any destination. This particular mode of transport has made the world a much more accessible place. Whether travelling for work or pleasure, it really is a great way to ride. These past few weeks, our family collectively, have travelled on planes no less than six times. The most recent trip was last night, bringing my husband home from a week away for work. Today I am grateful for Planes!

Day 34 – 3rd November, 2019


Grace! I’ve spent the last two years studying this beautiful phenomenon, yet still find myself utterly inadequate to articulate. The dictionary fails to do it justice, for without recognising God, grace is merely insignificant. It is Faith, Hope and LOVE entwined in the person of Jesus Christ. Unmerited, undeserved, unexpected favour and blessing. Given without expected payment. Strength sweeping over our weakness. Covering for ALL our sins. It ebbs and flows in rhythms, almost without recognition, yet Grace remains. And I am so grateful for it! Today, I am grateful for Grace!

Day 35 – 4th November, 2019

Jacaranda Trees!

Jacaranda’s! Beautiful purple flowering trees that have brightened up the scenery around South East Queensland this spring season. They are like magnificent works of art in the lush green museum of life. They offer shade in glorious colour. Today, I am grateful for Jacaranda Trees!

Day 36 – 5th November, 2019


Tonight, I am grateful for my cosy, comfy bed! That’s all! Goodnight! 😴

Day 37 – 6th November, 2019

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭TPT‬‬
On Saturday, the one day that my husband was home in two weeks, our car battery died. We just happened to have the work car at home, so he was able to go and get a new battery and fit it to get our car working again.
If the battery happened to die on any other day in the last few weeks, I would have been completely stranded and stuck trying to figure it all out on my own.
I truly believe that God has His hand in how it all played out and I am so very thankful for that.
Today, I am simply grateful!

Day 38 – 7th November, 2019

Written Words of Encouragement!

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭NIV‬‬
As a writer and a word lover, I always try to weigh my words carefully before I speak and prayerfully before I write – and I know many times I still don’t get it right. I want to convey truth in love, fragranced with grace.
I want to encourage and not tear down. I aim to lift up, cheer on and uphold.
Needless to say, my love language is ‘Words of Affirmation’ and these past few weeks I have received many hand written notes and verbal words of encouragement. I am so very thankful for these words that others have taken time to write and speak over my life. They truly are life-giving to me.
Today, I am grateful for Words of Encouragement!

Day 39 – 8th November, 2019

Air Conditioning!

Boy, was it a hot one today?! The air conditioners were working overtime in my car, at work, and at home. They did a great job keeping me cool, sane and able to function despite the heat. They kept it bearable. Today, I am grateful for Air Conditioners/Conditioning!

Day 40 – 9th November, 2019

Grazing with friends is a wonderful way to spend an evening. Tonight, I am grateful for being able to spend time with beautiful friends and having them feast at our table.
P.s. This grazing table was one of our best so far. So much fun to prepare & even better to eat.

Day 41 – 10th November, 2019


There are many ways to look at it, but the truth is, a healthy Church that is making an impact in the community and that is shining Jesus light into the world, is usually one that has many servant-hearted volunteers. I know this, because I am one. Most of my life, I have served in some form or another as a volunteer in Church – whether in a leadership capacity, in full view of the congregation or behind the scenes, doing jobs that are completely unseen. I count it a privilege and a joy to serve God and others in this way. I also am a recipient of the hospitality and hard-work of many other volunteers, and for that, I am thankful. Volunteers truly do make the world go round. Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, and I’m grateful for all the other servers that have served me and served with me over the course of my life!

Day 42 – 11th November, 2019

Remembrance Day!

Remembrance Day!
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we will remember them.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”
Today, I am grateful for all those who fought and gave their lives so we can live in freedom and peace!

Day 43 – 12th November, 2019


Our land – the beautiful sun-kissed country we call Australia 🇦🇺 – is currently be ravaged by horrendous fires. Across two States, these fires are wreaking havoc. Homes and properties have been destroyed, lives have been lost and the fires are still raging. We pray for RAIN 🌧 over this Great South Land. Lord, please soak our nation in Your physical and Spiritual rain! I am grateful for all the men and women battling the fires on our behalf. I pray supernatural strength over them. Sustain them, dear Lord, we pray. Today I am grateful for all of the firefighters!

Day 44 – 13th November, 2019


This week has been full to the brim of stories! I was finally able to articulate my experience from Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference, which happened over three weeks ago. (If you are in any way ‘creative’ and want to pursue your creative talents and giftings as a ‘God-calling’, then let me encourage you to go to this conference next year.) Then, on Tuesday morning, I had the honour and privilege of sharing my story of overcoming depression with a precious group of Year 7 girls at my children’s school. On top of that, we welcomed a new contributor to The Whole Living Hub – Juliet Fieldew. She writes with a fresh, new perspective and we are so grateful to have her onboard. …And the stories keep coming! We are all made of stories. There are stories in each one of us. Our lives are stories, they tell the story of who we are. I love hearing, listening to, reading, and writing stories. They are a wonderful way to communicate transformation. Today I am grateful for stories!

Day 45 – 14th November, 2019


Water! Clean, pure, fresh water. We have an expectation that when we open a tap, it flows unhindered. That it’s drinkable and healthy. Not muddy, not unhygienic, not immersed with terrible bacteria. We don’t have to walk for days to find it, it comes to us, readily available. It’s cheap, not outrageously expensive. We can buy it by the bottle or the bucket-load. It really is something that can easily be taken for granted. Today, in the heat, I drank at least 5x bottles worth. I showered underneath clean running water this morning. I flushed the toilet a few times. I washed my hands more times than I can remember. I cooked with it. I used it in my car. I used it to clean my house. I used it to wash my clothes. I’m not really sure what we would do without it being easily accessible and readily available. Today, I am grateful for Water!

Day 46 – 15th November, 2019

Colour! They say we can’t know or count the many different colours in the world. The number is somewhere in the billions. But truly, I think colour is infinite – much like our Creator. We can’t even begin to comprehend all the different hues, blends, and reflections that are found in a simple rainbow. Sunrises and sunsets are magnificently filled with glorious tones, never the same as the day before. Artwork and tapestries, oil spills and reflections, photos and magazines, rain-forests and oceans, screens of televisions and computers, houses and buildings, and people – LIFE is displayed in unlimited colour! For without colour, life would be incredibly boring. Today, I am grateful for Colour!

Day 47 – 16th November, 2019

Glorious views from our deck!

This evening’s view from our deck was pretty wonderful. After a stinkin’ hot day, the sun dropped down behind the hill, a breeze started and the cool came upon us. I spent a good hour sitting out on the deck, before the sun had set and darkness came. It was so peaceful. We turned our balcony lights on and they twinkled in glowing colour, and still we sat. I have written about my deck many times before, but today again, I sit in grateful appreciation at the privilege and blessing it is to be outside with such a view – to feel peace and rest wash over me in the cool of the evening. Today I am grateful for our deck and the glorious view from it!

Day 48 – 17th November, 2019

Today, I was going to talk about being grateful for my Salvation, and I absolutely am! But then this morning Ps Steve Dixon spoke on ‘Sozo’ in relation to the 10 Lepers found in Luke 17:11-19, and it totally blew my mind. Sozo is the New Testament Greek word often translated as “SAVES”; which in its fullest form also means HEALS, RESTORES, DELIVERS and MAKES WHOLE. Now that is so much more than being saved! Being made whole is taking things to an entirely different level. It’s what ‘The Whole Living Hub’ is all about – it’s Living a Life of Wholeness here on the earth. Only God can truly make us whole and complete. If we cling to Him, learn from Him and follow His ways, He can and will ‘Sozo’ us. I absolutely love that! Today, I am grateful for Sozo!

Day 49 – 18th November, 2019

Hugs & Catchups!

Hugs & catchups with dear friends from way-back-when are simply wonderful! This evening I had the chance to dine with a beautiful family that we’ve known for many, many years. They have just recently moved up to Queensland from Melbourne. It was lovely chatting and catching each other up on all that has happened over the years, squeezing as many stories as we could into a few short hours, and making plans to see each other again. This is community in progress and I love it! There’s just nothing like a warm hug from a long-ago friend. Today, I am grateful for catchups with friends from way-back-when!

Day 50 – 19th November, 2019


Sisterhood! The gathering of women of all ages, races, shapes and sizes. Tonight we had such a gathering and it was wonderful and messy and loud and beautiful and heart-breaking and soul shaking and uplifting and empowering. It was all things good! I’m so blessed to be a Sister in this hood, and count it a privilege and joy to rub shoulders with some seriously incredible women. Today, I am grateful for Sisterhood!

Day 51 – 20th November, 2019


Appreciation! The dictionary defines it like this: “recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something”. Today, I was a recipient of others appreciation and it seriously blessed my cotton socks right off! My children’s school took a moment to honour all their volunteers. A beautiful afternoon tea was lavished upon us and a little gift was given as a token of their appreciation. There is something to be said for people taking the time to honour and appreciate others. It’s wonderful to feel valued. It made me think: when was the last time you made an effort to appreciate those who go out of their way for you? Today, I am grateful for Appreciation!

Day 52 – 21st November, 2019

Emma Morse

@livingxdesign Emma Morse, aka my bestie! Today, I am so incredibly grateful for this beautiful, wonderful and amazing women of God! I actually intentionally planned to not highlight any specific person when I started this journey of #100daysofgratitude, because I am so very blessed to have many incredibly special friends, and I am thankful for each and every one. But, this one right here has gone above and beyond for me time and time again. In these past few days alone, she has hugged me hard, when I needed it most; saved a seat for me; stood beside me when I was feeling alone; taken a desperate call from me and let me blurt out all my “stuff” in a blubbering puddle of tears; been a voice of reason and a listening ear; interceded for me in prayer and then sent me an in-the-vital-moment God Word; loved on me and just been there. A friend, who I can call-on, trust, feel safe with and accepted by. There is nothing quite like a wonderful friend and Emma, I am so grateful for you! Thank you for being AWESOME!

Day 53 – 22nd November, 2019

Foot Rubs!

Foot rubs from my children are another one of my favourite things! When it’s been a full week and I’m tired, all I want to do is recline on the couch with a good book in my hands and have my feet rubbed. No doubt I’ll fall asleep within minutes, in utterly relaxed bliss. It’s true, I pay my kids to rub my feet. 10 mins a foot = $1 in their pocket. And they do it, cos they know I love it. Sometimes they’ll even tell me “Mum, you need your feet rubbed”. It’s really the Stewart Clan currency of love. And I am so grateful for it. Today, I am grateful for Foot Rubs from my Children!

Day 54 – 23rd November, 2019

Medical Practitioners!

Medical Practitioners! Be it Doctors or Nurses, Dentists or Psychiatrists, Chiropractors or Masseuse, Paramedics or Stenographers, or Surgeons and Specialists, Medical Practitioners are incredible people. I have great respect for them. We have many friends that operate in these fields, but as wonderful as they are, we count ourselves blessed to not have much contact with them in their line of work, except for preventative care. Today, our entire family got adjustments from our regular Chiropractor. It had been a while since we last visited her and it was great to go back and get treated. We always come away feeling so much better (and well adjusted and realigned) after it. Today, I am grateful for Medical Practitioners!

Day 55 – 24th November, 2019

Youth Leaders!

Youth Leaders! I remember the first time a Youth Leader stopped to have a chat with me. They took some time and made me feel important, seen and heard. It was one of the main reasons why I chose to pursue my relationship with God. Since then, I too have served as a Youth Leader and had the opportunity to impact the younger generation, in guiding them to their own relationship with God. Now, I am blessed and privileged to watch my own children being shepherded, cared for and loved on by their Youth Leaders, and for that I am so very grateful. Our Church has some phenomenal Youth Leaders who continually give of their time and energies into guiding our young people toward Jesus. Today, I am grateful for Youth Leaders!

Day 56 – 25th November, 2019

Electrical Appliances!

Electrical Appliances! Tonight, I am sitting in my lounge room amongst the hum of numerous appliances. The dishwasher, the washing machine, the fridge, the coffee machine, the air-conditioner, the pedestal fan, the coffee-table lamp, my laptop, the TV, and the ceiling light are all operating around me. Hats off to the many talented and ingenious inventors who’s inspired ideas and hard work have made our lives, in todays society, so much easier than our forefathers had to endure. We salute you! It’s almost too difficult to imagine life without such everyday items, that we all-too-often take for granted – until the power goes out. Today, I am grateful for Electrical Appliances!

Day 57 – 26th November, 2019

Livingstone Christian College!

Livingstone Christian College! This school community is the absolute best! This week is Awards week. This morning was my youngest daughter’s turn – she received two awards, and we are so very proud of her. I wish though, that you could have all heard the Principal’s speech and then the Head of Primary’s speech. They were both powerful, heartfelt and incredibly moving. Yes, there were tears shed! The Schools theme this year was ‘Love Runs’ – all about the Prodigal Son being welcomed home. They spoke of community; making mistakes but moving on; leaving the past behind; togetherness; welcoming; flourishing; and excelling. Never has a School Awards Ceremony so moved me and reached into my very soul like this one. I was utterly riveted. I can’t even begin to express how ridiculously and utterly grateful I am for this School. My children are truly flourishing there. Today, and every day, I am grateful for Livingstone Christian College!

Day 58 – 27th November, 2019

Smart Phones!

Smart Phones! A camera, a computer, and a telephone all melded into one tiny, slim, light handheld device. Readily transportable access to the World Wide Web, limitless books, games, music, The Bible in many different versions, and any other possible kind of application and entertainment your heart desires. At times, it’s been known to be permanently attached to my person; it has been the source of my addiction; yet, at other times it has been banished to the bottom of my handbag without being touched for days. I have had a love/hate relationship with it until I learnt how to use it within boundaries. It contains my reminders, Calendar, Schedules, tasks, contacts, and emails – that all help me organise my family & our lives on a daily basis. It’s enabled me to take photos and videos to record moments and memories. It’s helped me stay connected with my friends and family, making loved ones feel just as close as a phone away. All in all it’s made life easier and today, I want to acknowledge this stupidly helpful device. Today, I am grateful for my Smart Phone!

Day 59 – 28th November, 2019

I just got home from my son’s VEP (Vocational Education Program) Awards Dinner. I am struggling to unpack and explain just how special it was…
My Rueben came away with so many awards, including the ‘Peer Award’ where his fellow VEP students voted for him as their choice for an award. I am so very proud of him!
I met the Leadership Team, Teachers and Staff that have helped run the program this year, in their pilot run. This is the first year that VEP has run at Livingstone and it has been an absolute success!
I met some of the people that he worked for, with and alongside in his internal & external work placements – they had so many wonderful and encouraging things to say about Rueben. I am blown away by it all!
I met some of the other students and their parents tonight too. They are a seriously great bunch of people!
We had so many people come up to us to congratulate, encourage and compliment us (yes, both Rueben for being absolutely amazing, and Jonno & I for being great parents) – I am utterly overwhelmed with gratitude!
This program has truly been one of the best things to happen to my Rueben (and our family). I am so excited for what the new year will bring, for the opportunities that will come, for the learning that will occur, and for the people and connections we all will make.
Today, I am grateful for VEP at Livingstone Christian College!

Day 60 – 29th November, 2019

Today, I am simply grateful! This journey of identifying and expressing gratitude, and being thankful for all that I/we have has been so eye-opening. It has given me perspective and clarity. It has been refreshing and encouraging. It has helped me through the harder days by turning my thought process around, causing me to find the good in each situation. I have 40 more days to go on this journey of gratitude, but today, I am grateful for this beautiful gift – the gift of gratitude!

Day 61 – 30th November, 2019


Thanksgiving! Today, we had our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Feast. Friends who are family gathered to feast, to remember, and to be thankful. Our families blending into one unit like we had always been community. It was a relaxed, laid back affair. Time was spent enjoying each other’s company, eating, drinking, sharing memories and heartfelt stories, and we all took a moment to verbalise our gratitude. Relishing each moment, I simply forgot to take any photos. I love our tradition of celebrating thanksgiving, and today I am grateful for our Thanksgiving Feast and all who were there to enjoy it with us!

Day 62 – 1st December, 2019

‘We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.’

Romans 12:6-8 (NIV)

Pondering all the things I am thankful for these past few days, and it has occurred to me that I am surrounded by some incredible, uniquely talented and gifted people. People who have figured out who they are and what they were created for, and are walking their gifting out in their everyday life. It’s so wonderful to see. It took me so long to discover my own gifts and talents, and even now it feels surreal to tell people I am a writer. I stand in awe, in appreciation and amazement at those who are bravely, courageously, and determinedly living in their purpose – using their gifts and talents to make Him known and to shine Jesus love all over the world. Today, I am grateful for gifts and talents – and for those who are using theirs so beautifully!

Day 63 – 2nd December, 2019

Bella Girl – Year 8 Beautiful Day!
Today, a bunch of Mum’s got together to lead, teach & share with all the Year 8 girls at my children’s school. Throughout the course of the day, we were able to remind them of their value, purpose, beauty and worth. We spoke on relationships, social media, body image, and social justice. We shared scriptures with them, prayed with them, ate with them and loved on them. We encouraged them to replace negatives with positives, line up everything against truth in the Word of God, be real and authentic instead of fake and superficial, and to dream.
That we were given this opportunity to minister and lead these beautiful girls, blows my mind.
To have their attention for an entire school day, takes it to epic proportions.
To be able to share God unhindered and unequivocally is the ultimate.
To be able to play a small part in this day, to share my story and to lavish love and encouragement on these precious girls is incredibly overwhelming and an absolute privilege. I am in awe of the group of ladies that I served alongside today. I am so very grateful for all of it!
Today, I am grateful for a beautiful day sharing Bella Girl with the Year 8 girls.

Day 64 – 3rd December, 2019

This beautiful, incredible girl right here! My daughter, my first-borne. She is all kinds of wonderful! These past two days, her first days of school holidays, she has been my right-hand, my proxy, my helper. She has baked cookies, cut up countless papers, stacked and unstacked chairs, operated audio visual devices, carried heavy loads, opened locked doors (at least a thousand times), emptied overflowing rubbish bins, did one-hundred-and-one little things that matter, and encouraged grown ladies when they really needed it most. Her wonderful attitude and disposition make me so proud, her maturity and wisdom blown my mind, her compassion and empathy astounds me, and her willingness to serve is such an incredible blessing.
She generously set aside her precious holiday time to come and serve alongside me at the Bella Girls programs we ran at her school, and I am so very proud of her and thankful for her. Today, I am grateful for my beautiful daughter, Phoebe!

Day 65 – 4th December, 2019

Christmas Movies! There’s just something so wonderful about easing into the crazy-beautiful Christmas season, watching a bunch of Christmas movies. We have so many Christmas DVD’s and each year we work our way through them, but now we have Telstra TV which gives us ready access to so many more. I am seriously giddy with excitement about getting to watch a whole lot of new ones. Today, I am grateful for cheesy, romantic, funny, dramatic, wonderfully-delicious Christmas movies! #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear

Day 66 – 5th December, 2019

Devotionals! I love that in this day and age we have so much more, readily available access to great devotions/Devotionals. As we have now entered the Advent season, most of us are reading and reminding ourselves of the story of Christmas. I love that no matter what we are struggling with, or need to hear and be reminded of, there are Devotionals available that speak right to it. I love how they all point us to The Word of God, sometimes bringing new perspective, or new revelation, or reminding us of what we already know. I am so grateful for all the writers, and all the widely different Devotionals I have read over many years, that have spoken right into the depths of me. Today, I am grateful for Devotionals!
What Devotional are you reading at the moment?

Day 67 – 6th December, 2019

School Holidays! For us, they officially started today. To us, they mean long sleep-ins and lazy days, baking and crafts, family day trips, long walks in nature, way too much screen time on little electronic devices, movies, movies and more movies, deep cleaning our house together, shopping trips and window shopping, exploring, beach days, reconnecting with each other, catching up with other families, family devotions, family Christmas traditions and more!
I love this time of year (if it wasn’t for the extreme heat). There’s just something kinda wonderful about knowing two months of no school lays gloriously ahead of you. Throw in some pretty special birthdays, Christmas and New Years and it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Today, I am grateful for School Holidays!

Day 68 – 7th December, 2019

Christmas Cookies & Christmas Baking! Today, despite the extreme heat, our oven was blazing and we were ‘abaking. Well, truthfully, it was Phoebe doing all the cooking. She did a great job. The pots and pans were banging, the mixer and oven were clanging, the ingredients were fragrant, the aromas were delightful, and finally, the tastes were delicious. Warm chocolate chip cookies followed by a glass of cold milk. There really is something so wonderful about Christmas Cookies. Today, I am grateful for them and my gorgeous daughter’s baking skills!

Day 69 – 8th December, 2019


They say that eyes are the windows to our soul. And that may very well be true. Today though, I am grateful for what they enable me to see. Sight is a very important sense. It gives us the ability to learn without hearing, to observe our surroundings, and to see danger before it happens. It is usually a prelude to our feelings and emotions. Today alone, I have used my eyes to close out the world when I sleep; to concentrate when I pray; to read my Bible, my phone, my books; to see the road, my food, my clothes; to communicate with people; to express love to my husband and children; to weep when I worship; to watch moving pictures on the TV screen; to observe the world from my favourite perch on the deck; to see the sky change from overcast and hazy to clear and then cloudy, and for the sunset colours to blaze across it as the day melds in to night; to serve people; to write; to do about a million and one things that matter. Today, I am so very grateful for my eyes and eye-sight!

Day 70 – 9th December, 2019


Carrying on from yesterday with regard to the senses, today I am grateful for my nose and the gift of smell. The ability to inhale fragrance and aromas is wonderful, until it’s not. Today we were driving along a section of new road that was almost ready to be opened, the windows were down, sun-roof open and we were singing along to Christmas songs. The next thing we know, a disgusting smell wafts into the car. Yes, they had just dumped a heap of fertiliser on the gardens by the new stretch of road! In that moment, I was not grateful for my nose and it’s main function. Then I remember the aroma from the jasmine bush that used to grow outside the window in my child-hood home; the fragrance of my favourite perfume and how it always makes me feel beautiful when I wear it; the scent of rain; the aromas of baking cookies, or roasts cooking in the oven; the smell of freshly baked bread; the aroma of a well made fresh coffee; my husband when he has just had a shower and how he always smells like home; the aromas of Christmas and how they make me feel cosy; and all the other delightful scents that bring wonderful feelings and memories to my remembrance. I have a favourite memory of my Dad’s printing press from when I was just a little child. Every time I smell that glorious fresh ink on paper scent, the wonderful memories come rushing back. Today, I am grateful for my nose, the ability to smell and the memories that come along with it!

Day 71 – 10th December, 2019

Photography! Photographers! Photographs! The capturing of moments through the lens of a camera. The artists that perform such feats. The result of the creativity, patience and ingenuity of an image that was immortalised on film (or electronically nowadays). Three incredible things that have made real life moments into lifelong memories. Each capture a masterpiece with feelings and emotions frozen into time. It’s enabled amateurs to become professionals in telling the story of their own lives. Never before have generations been able to so easily record current history as its being made. I am in complete awe. Today I am grateful for this everyday wonderful art. The Art of Photography!

Day 72 – 11th December, 2019

Freedom! Today I am grateful for Freedom! To be and say and do life how we choose. To not be constrained and silenced. To believe what we want. To worship unhindered. To speak and write and read freely. To be assured of our safety and not cower in fear. To live in peace and harmony, where justice and truth abound. To have rights and opinions, obligations, rules, laws, and yet to abide. To go where we want, when we want, how we want, but not be infused in self. Shameless, guiltless, incomparably me. Liberated. Unencumbered. Unrestricted. Unbound by debt, released from curse and sin, forgiven. Graced!
Today, I am grateful for Freedom!

Day 73 – 12th December, 2019

Candles! Cosy creators of light and scent, illuminating our senses as fragrance permeates and brightness penetrates the darkness. Today I am grateful for candles!

Day 74 – 13th December, 2019

When work works! With deadlines looming and everything comes down to the wire, it’s crunch time. One of the hardest things is relying on other people. All my systems, processes, routines and schedules can’t help in these situations. This week, there were shipping companies to work with, payments needing to be processed, urgent parts needing to be received, deliveries needing to arrive on time, containers to be loaded, emails to be answered, questions awaiting responses, phone calls needing to be returned, documents needing to be redone, legal documents to be written up and ultimately shipments to go out the door. Everything was time critical. But, as we closed up today, we could look around with a wonderful sense of satisfaction. It all got done, it all worked and everything is on its way. We can rest easy and enjoy the weekend, because this week, today, work worked and I am so grateful for that. Today I am grateful for a successful work week!

Day 75 – 14th December, 2019


My son! This one right here… 14 years ago, on this day, my third child was born. We called him our wrinkly old man because he looked like he had lived a lifetime already by the time we got to meet him. He is thoughtful and wise, happy and easygoing, crazy smart and wildly intelligent, crafter and builder, thinker and doer, complex and gentle, and all things good! He’s one of a kind! Our Oakley boy/man! Love him to absolute bits! Happy Birthday son! Today I am grateful for Oakley!

Day 76 – 15th December, 2019

When the local council spends a whole heap of time and money to give a foot bridge an upgrade and it ends up being BRIGHT RED, (the Stewart Clan Power Colour) we are all over it! This morning before Church, we all dressed up a little and took a diversion in our travels to try and get some family pics on said red bridge. Honestly, the closeups of our faces weren’t all that fantastic, and it was stinking hot and way too sunny, but we did get a few good shots, all in all …and doesn’t that red bridge look just fine?!? Today I am grateful for Family Photo’s on a Red Bridge!

Day 77 – 16th December, 2019

All things Christmas!

On the weekend, our Church (Hillsong, Mt Gravatt) put on Christmas Spectacular! They did five shows over the weekend and will be performing another eight over the next few days in Brisbane. The show was exceptional! From the opening song, it pointed us to Christ. It really was the story of Christmas expressed in song and dance, with a little bit of fun tucked in for good measure. I finally feel Christmassy! Also, I feel so blessed to be a part of a great Church full of incredibly talented and servant-hearted people. Today I am grateful for all things Christmas (and my Church, and Christmas Spectacular, and all the talented and servant hearted people, and the Star of Christmas, and….)!

Day 78 – 17th December, 2019

Good Open Roads!

Good Open Roads! When your son has a legit job now and you have to travel for hours ferrying him all over the place, it takes taxi-mum to a whole new level. Travelling on good, newly resurfaced, smooth, clean open roads makes the driving part a joy. Tonight, I had a smooth quick ride with almost no traffic, to pick him up and it was wonderful! Today, I am grateful for good open roads!

Day 79 – 18th December, 2019


Donuts 🍩 Today, I am grateful for donuts! That’s all! Simply grateful!

Day 80 – 19th December, 2019

Online Shopping!

Online Shopping 🛍 One of the best things I did last year (for the first time ever) was order most of the Christmas presents online. It was fun watching and waiting for them to all arrive in different ways, from different places over the following weeks. I didn’t have to waste time, energy and effort fighting for carparks in crowded shopping centres. It was this introverts dream shopping experience.
I now also buy some grocery shopping and other everyday items via online shopping. Truthfully, my addiction (books) has seriously been assisted by this wonderfully easy facility.
I am a unashamed convert to online shopping and how it really just makes everything so much easier. Today, I am grateful for Online Shopping!

Day 81 – 20th December, 2019

Ahh Holidays!

Ahh holidays! When you’ve finished work for the year and you have a few weeks of downtime with your family. It’s the best! Time to celebrate and enjoy, relax and recharge, and prepare for a wonderful new year. I’m officially on holidays and for that, I am grateful! Today, I am grateful for holidays.

Day 82 – 21st December, 2019


Home! When all the family is together and we have no other places to go or people to see, home is our favourite place. Imperfect humans growing together and living their best life is what we (The Stewart Clan) are all about and home is where we do that best. Today was mostly a home day, and for that I am grateful. Today, I am grateful for home.

Day 83 – 22nd December, 2019

God with us!

Holy Spirit! God with us!
I am so very grateful for the Holy Spirit!

Day 84 – 23rd December, 2019


Fruit! 🍇 🍈 🍉
Sweet, juicy, lush fruit. The flavours of summer. So healthy and so yummy. There’s nothing like a nice bowl of fridge cooled fresh fruit to end a hot and busy day. Today, I am grateful for fruit!

Day 85 – 24th December, 2019

Christmas Eve 2019 Views…

Christmas Eve! Today I am grateful for Christmas Eve (and this view from our deck as the sun set and the storm rolled in)!

Day 86 – 25th December, 2019


Christmas Day! The day we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Jesus Christ. The first coming of the King. Word made flesh. God incarnate. God with us! Today, I am so incredibly grateful for Christmas and ALL that it represents!

Day 87 – 26th December, 2019

Boxing Day views…

Boxing Day! Today was spent with friends who are family in this beautiful setting. What more can I say but that we feel ridiculously blessed! One day I will share the story of this divinely appointed friendship, but for now, I reflect on it in awe and I am so incredibly grateful. Today, I am grateful for Boxing Day spent with beautiful friends in glorious settings.

Day 88 – 27th December, 2019

My eldest son bought his first major purchase today! Rueben got a job at the end of school this year and in the few weeks he has worked, he managed to save enough to buy himself a new phone. I am so proud of his achievement and it has given me great joy today watching him set it up and explore all the things it can do. Today, I am grateful for my son’s new job, his ability to save, and that I get to watch and encourage him along his journey!

Day 89 – 28th December, 2019


Google! A internet search engine like no other. Today, we played a game with friends and this simple tool helped us all immensely. Almost every week I search something up using it. It makes knowledge more accessible and all in all, navigating the World Wide Web a breeze. Today, I am grateful for Google!

Day 90 – 29th December, 2019


Pampering! The act of getting pampered! Today, my youngest daughter spent the afternoon lavishing her time, and talents on me. She gave me a back rub, leg brushes (fine soft brushes painting across your skin), face brushes, scalp massage, brushed and played with my hair, and finally finished off with hand massages. She choose to do this without bribery or coercion, and she took the opportunity to talk with me about some of the things weighing on her mind. I feel entirely relaxed and thankful for her attentions (and I pressed some cash into her hand before she went to bed). Today, I am grateful for precious time spent with my daughter, and being pampered!

Day 91 – 30th December, 2019

Today I am Grateful for YOU!

Today I am grateful for you!
For all of you that follow me, connect and interact with me, that are walking alongside me on this journey called life.
Thank you! For your likes, your shares, your comments, your encouragement. I am grateful for you!

Day 92 – 31st December, 2019

Goodbye 2019!

Goodbye, Farewell, Adios to 2019!
2019 – I am grateful for all that you were. I am grateful for the journey I travelled this year; the highs and lows; the good and not so good; the struggles and challenges; the accomplishments and achievements; the regrets and failures; the learning and growing; and ultimately, that I made it through to the end. I am grateful that I am who I am today because of all that has happened this year. I am grateful for where I am, who I am, what I am and how I am, and that I have learnt to be grateful in and through it all! Today, I am grateful for 2019!

Day 93 – 1st January, 2020

New Year!

A new year! New chances, new opportunities, new experiences, new moments, new memories, new plans, new achievements, new challenges, new everything!
It’s an interesting concept that some of us wait for a new year for a new start, but the truth is that, every moment, every hour, every day is an opportunity to start fresh.
However, let’s roll with the idea that we are starting this new year with a clean slate, and let’s make it the best year yet.
Today, I am grateful for this new year. 2020 let’s go!

Day 94 – 2nd January, 2020


Home! Today, my son came home after being away for three nights and four days for work. Oh how I missed him! I know that I have to get used to this happening more often as he continues to grow up and find his independence, but it was/is hard to let go. Today, I am so very grateful that my son, my man-child is home, and I plan on holding him tight for a few days before I let him go again. Okay?!?!

Day 95 – 3rd January, 2020


Massage! Oh the relief when tight, sore muscles get pummelled by your remedial massage therapist. I am so glad there are wonderful people who have chosen to train and work in the area of muscle relief and massage, (and cupping, acupuncture and counselling). I simply adore my massage therapist and today, I am so very grateful for massage! I’m feeling a million times better now 🤪 #doyourselfafavor #getamassage

Day 96 – 4th January, 2020

My husband, my Love!

My husband, my Love! It’s his birthday today! I know that I have already told you all that I am grateful for him, but I’m hoping that you will excuse me taking another moment to celebrate him on his birthday. Jonno, you are all things wonderful. You deserve the best of everything! I am so grateful to know you, that I’m yours, and that I get to share life with you. I adore you and I am so very grateful for you!

Day 97 – 5th January, 2020


Flowers! All kinds of beautiful flowers in all sorts of colours, shapes and sizes. Mixed or all of the same kind, bunched or on their own, arranged or mishmashed, I’ll take them any way I can. From delicate and intricate to bold and bright, I simply love flowers! I am grateful for our Creator who designed these wonderful things, for more than just our pleasure but we can enjoy them just the same. Today, I am grateful for flowers!

Day 98 – 6th January, 2020


Today! Today, I am grateful for today! For waking up, for a bit of a sleep-in, for a nice bed and comfy pillows, for clean sheets, for my husband, for coffee in the morning, for breakfast, for the shower and all the toiletries I use, for nice clean clothes, for my family, for fresh cold milk in my fridge, for a working flushing toilet, for a car that enables us to drive around, for drives with my husband and then back home on my own, for music, for fuel, for time with my kids, for good Devotionals and books, for time to read my Bible, for cups of tea, for work, for people at work – colleagues, customers and suppliers, for friends, for cooking, for food, for tv and Netflix, for fans and aircons, for summer breezes, for afternoon views from my deck, for family time, for health, for safety and security, for nature, for encouragement, for dreams, for hope, for sleep and for tomorrow.
Today, I am so incredibly grateful for today! Thank you Lord for EVERYTHING!

Day 99 – 7th January, 2020

Air Conditioner!

This baby right here! I know I have already written a gratitude post about aircon’s, but I have to share another one. Today, after many many months (and even years) of having one dodgy, leaking, mouldy and only half working air conditioner in our 4 bedroom house, we finally have had it fixed (thanks to the real estate and the landlord). For the first time in forever, I am sitting in my house feeling cold 🥶 on a warm summer afternoon and I am so very grateful for that! My poor kids are tired of hearing about my gratitude for our newly working, wonderful air conditioner, so I have to share it with you all. Today, I am incredibly grateful for a working, cooling, clean air conditioner in the house.

Day 100 – 8th January, 2020

Today I am GRATEFUL!

I’ve done it! #100daysofgratitude completed! It’s been a wonderful exercise. Some days it was incredibly easy to find something to be grateful for – in fact, some days it was difficult to decide which of the many things I should write on, and other days I struggled – whether from tiredness or not in the right frame of mind, or simply because it was a hard day. Having to find something to post about though, was a blessing. It challenged me and stretched me, it made me think about the basics and everyday simple things that makes life great. It helped me write each day. And posting on Social Media kept me accountable. I’m so very grateful for this challenge. It taught me to be more careful and intentional to find something wonderful in my everyday and it created a habit that I will continue, though it will now be a personal daily practice that I write in my journal. Today, I am grateful for the #100daysofgratitude challenge! Thank you for following along on my journey.

The End!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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