A Traveller’s Prayer

July 7, 2019

Lord, as we go travelling today, we ask for your presence with us. Please sit in the passenger seat beside us, with us and guide us, keep us and help us along our way.

We pray for the driver. That you would keep them fully engaged and present whilst driving. That you keep their mind wholly on their driving, with no wandering or distractions, and their eyes fully open and focused on the road ahead, their mirrors and their surroundings. Help them be alert and aware of their surroundings at all times and drive defensively (in a good way), preempting any obstacles or issues that may occur before they happen and to react & respond well. Help them to have gracious patience when it is required and to not grow weary or tired on the long open roads. Help them to rest and relax well when it is time to do so. Keep your hands and feet on their hands and feet and your presence and guidance upon them.

May your Holy Spirit rest on this vehicle. Keep your hedge of protection surrounding this vehicle, that no harm or danger will come near it. Keep the engine running smoothly, the wheels and tires in good order, and all the vehicle’s functions operating correctly for the entire duration of this trip. Help the fuel to take us further than it should and help the distance go faster than it should, by Your Supernatural power.

Make the path we travel safe and smooth, with no obstacles in our way. Keep our fellow road users sensible and alert, and keep other vehicles far away from us.

Help our luggage/load to settle quickly and be stable, with nothing being forgotten or left behind. Help us to be able to quickly access important items of luggage or cargo that are required and that everything fits in smoothly and easily when packing and repacking on each end or stop.

Help the passengers in this vehicle travel well, in comfort and in rest. Let there be no sickness or illness in this vehicle. We rebuke all motion sickness, discomfort, bored-ness and gripe-y attitudes in Jesus name – they have no place in this vehicle or on this trip! We pray that we travel safely and well, healthy and whole and arrive at our destination in good spirits, being kind and helpful to one another. Let the fruits of your Spirit be evident in each passenger throughout the duration of this trip like never before and let the divine peace of God reign in this vehicle.

Let us shine your light, Jesus, to everyone that we come in contact with on this trip and let Your name be glorified through us and in us along this entire journey. We go in Your name and with Your appointing and anointing upon us and as ambassadors for You.

We ask this all in Your Holy name, Lord. We thank you for it all, in advance. Have Your way in us this trip! Amen!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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