A Twenty One Year Old Love Story…

August 3, 2020

This is not really a fairy tale, but it is a love story or more accurately, a story of love becoming. It was twenty one years ago, last month (July 2020), that I met the man of my dreams.

Okay, let’s be real here! There were not really many dreams or hopes and wishes – I was quite happy being single, but I did meet the man who would soon become my husband, and I am ever so grateful that it happened.

Last month, on our 20th Wedding Anniversary which is the 15th of July, I posted a few photo’s of our Wedding on my personal Instagram, and I shared a few snippets of our story. I wanted to share them here with you too, and to maybe expand on some of the details, so here goes…

This is the unfolding of our Wedding Day (and the night before), from my (Conny’s) perspective:

July 14, 2020: On this night, twenty years ago…
I said goodbye to my last boyfriend forever; I kissed my fiancé goodnight for the final time, and I settled myself into my little single bed for my last sleep in it.
As I glanced over to my wardrobe, I was filled with unbridled excitement, for tomorrow I would become a WIFE! No, I wasn’t nervous. Not in the least. I just couldn’t wait for Saturday the 15th of July to arrive. I couldn’t wait to don this gown and walk the path to my forever prince, my fairytale, the start of my new life.

July 15, 2020: On this day, twenty years ago…
Getting ready was bliss. So seamless and chaos free. Hair and makeup, getting dressed and adding the precious jewellery.
Top it all off with gorgeous flowers, don’t forget the shoes and then we were waiting, so much time to still lose.
We prayed, then ate breakfast, some coffee and more prayers, and still it was too early, so we tried cups of teas.
The limo arrived, we loaded in, all six, then a short drive to pickup the Father of the Bride.
He loaded in reluctantly, but that’s a story for another time – suffice it to say, battles were fought, lines were drawn, but victory was on my side that day!
The limousine traveled the one hour drive so quickly it seemed not twenty minutes had gone by.
We arrived in the town where the wedding was due to be held so early that we had to do a pit stop at McDonalds to let our guests arrive at the venue first.
I couldn’t wait to see my man. I couldn’t wait to be his WIFE!

July 15, 2020: Twenty one years ago, this week, I met this gorgeous man!
I will never forget the moment I first laid eyes on him. It was Sunday morning and I was singing on stage at Church, and he walks in the back doors, late. I thought to myself “now there is a good looking man!”
He was tall, strong, healthy looking, with incredible blonde hair (that was the clincher for me – his hair!)
Later that night, the youth gathered at Uncle Leo’s Pizza Restaurant after Church, and he sat across from me.
We started talking and getting to know each other, and we haven’t stopped since.
One month later, we were talking of marriage. Three months after that, I stumbled across a beautiful gown that would become my wedding dress.
Six months from the day we met, our Engagement became “official” – by that I mean he shoved a ring at me in a jewellery shop and said “wear that!” and the world around us heard the news.
Twelve months from the day we met, we were married.
Unconventional? Yes! But oh so right!
(Oh, and the hair that I fell in love with was shaved off 4 weeks after we were married, never to be seen again.🤪)

July 15, 2020: On this day, at this time, twenty years ago, we were standing before God and man, promising each other our worlds.
The walk down that rose petal littered garden path was surreal. Tears streaming down my face, smiling with joy, overwhelmed with all the people that came to see us wed.
The relief that we had finally made it to this day, this moment, and then there he was, dressed in red at the end.
We promised our hearts, our lives, our best and our worst, in sickness and health, to be gentle with each other, but to hold strong and lift the other up, but mostly we promised our friendship and all our love!

July 15, 2020: On this day, at this time, twenty years ago, we kissed our first as man and wife, before all the people who had come to witness our love.

We signed the register, our pledge and promise to stay together, our commitment through thick and thin, until forever.

We stood together, side by side, a picture of what our life would be like, as we waited for our witnesses to sign and the song to be sung, before we could be done.
“I do cherish you!”

And then it was time for the pronouncement we longed for – the one where the world knew I would be a ‘Venema’ no more.
“I present to you Mr and Mrs Stewart” and the crowd roared! (It was the one time in my life that I’m sure I yelled “whoopeee” louder than anyone else)

…And we were declared Husband and Wife for LIFE!

Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary my love!

It’s been a wonderful journey, full of highs and lows, ups and downs, rains and snows.
We have laughed together, cried together, and shared all the emotions in-between.
We’ve shared heart-aches and heart-breaks, and now we know what love takes.
We make each other happier and sadder than anyone else ever could. We hurt and we heal. We love, share, talk, fight, and love all over again.

I will continue to choose you, forever, my love! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and there is no doubt God brought us together and He knew what He was doing.
I love, adore and cherish you with all I am. Today and every day, from this moment until my last breath and beyond, I still choose you!

Happy Anniversary Jonathan Stewart!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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