Conny Stewart's



the art of words. The importance of careful speech, of welding this weapon well, with grace and love. Being gentle but intentional, Speaking truth in kindness. There is wisdom required with using words in all of its forms. There is a beautiful tension in the creation of words that are uttered verbally to impact positively.

Farewell 2023

I find myself sitting in the quiet of my big and empty (for now) home this Sunday morning, reflecting, while the family is off to Church. It is the last day of the year – 2023. I am now Mother to three adult children and a sixteen year old. I have one year left of their schooling – my third child is completing year 12 in 2024 and my youngest is completing 3 terms of year 10 and then attending...

Christmas – Spoken Word

(Written by Conny Stewart – December 2023) It started with a Word! God spoke and the universe was formed. Let there be Light, He said, and darkness was broken. The world was formed and humanity breathed its first breath. And God called His creation good. But soon darkness began seeping through the cracks and the light began to fade, so God decided to send His beloved Son to this world He loved, to illuminate the Light once more. Love is...

Living Whole in this Moment

choose to be whole and to live whole, and to me that means living each day with intention. It means getting back to the basics, to the truth and the simplicity of life. To sort through all the external noises and voices to find the whisper within. To find meaning in the chaos and to focus on The One.

Normal is a Myth

Everyday I have ever lived has seen unusual, imperfect, difficult, and unknown. Each day has brought the unexpected, unplanned, unseen and uncontrolled. Every single day I have had to navigate challenges, new ideas, others opinions, other people, my own imperfect self, and that's before I even walked out of my house in the morning.

A Twenty One Year Old Love Story…

This is not really a fairy tale, but it is a love story or more accurately, a story of love becoming. It was twenty one years ago, last month (July 2020), that I met the man of my dreams. Okay, let’s be real here! There were not really many dreams or hopes and wishes – I was quite happy being single, but I did meet the man who would soon become my husband, and I am ever so grateful that...