Conny Stewart's


Current Book Club Read: BECOMING

Book of the Month

(Starting 1st August, 2020) Becoming by Michelle Obama is “an intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the United States.” Why have we chosen this book? Great question! Because the message in it is what we are all about here at The Whole Living Hub: “In telling her story with honesty and boldness, she [Michelle] issues a challenge to the rest of us: Who are we and who do we want to become?” I’m pretty sure...

God’s Immeasurable Love for Us – a Reminder!

Do you think we will ever really grasp the heights and depths, the lengths and wide expanses, the vast magnitude of God’s love for us? It is displayed in glorious beauty all around us, every moment of every day. Are you watching? Are you seeing? Can you feel it and understand it? I constantly find myself standing in awe before His magnificent creation and yet, I think it is but a glimpse of His wonder. God’s love for us is...

Hello Old Friend…

It’s been about six months since I last sat down at my desk to write. And finally, here I am again. “Hello old friend” I said to my space. “I’ve missed you so much and I’ve neglected this place.” It took me literally two entire hours this morning to clean and tidy, dust and wipe, move and replace, sweep and get rid of all the dirt, dust and build up of stuff that was a visible testament to my neglect....

Scripture Sunday – Be Still

Psalms 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God”. In this season of change and the unknown, I have clung tight to this verse, because it has helped me cling tighter to God – He is the known in our unknown. He is consistent, never changing, un-failing, faithful, never ending, always the same, constant, near and with us. His promises stand true and remain. His Word teaches us that He looks after us, that we do not need...

Book of the Month – May 2020

Book of the Month

This book is about belonging. It’s about cultivating true belonging in our communities, organisations and culture and helping us to find courage and connection. It may seem a bit odd to be delving into such a book in this current climate of isolation, self-quarantine and sequestering, but after thinking it through, we decided that now is as good a time as any to be reading about and discovering ways to better connect and belong. Once we are able to resume...