There is a lot of peer pressure these days, and all of you that are parents would have already felt the effects of that in your children one way or another.
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
There is a lot of peer pressure these days, and all of you that are parents would have already felt the effects of that in your children one way or another.
June 28, 2019
love when God does that! How He causes all the threads of our thoughts and ideas to mesh together in conversations with others, then the sermons we hear or the songs we listen to and then the podcasts and books we read. And those threads entwine together to become a beautiful tapestry that furnish a space in the masterpiece that is our life.
June 27, 2019
The Word of God (The Bible) is our guide book for life and as Christians, we should seek to follow Christ's example and live according to The Word.
June 26, 2019
Those beautiful colours that align in glorious symphony, as a tapestry of radiance in the sky when the rain and sunshine collide - the rainbow - is a gift from God.
June 25, 2019
If someone is offended by something you have done, or is upset with you about a situation, beautiful friend, I want to implore you to stop carrying that. It is not your offence, it’s not your issue and it’s not your burden to carry. All you can do is try and talk it through with the person that is offended and seek a resolution. If that is not possible, then I implore you to take the entire situation to God...
June 24, 2019
You are more that I could have ever hoped for in a son, and I hope that one day, I can grow up to be just like you!
June 24, 2019
It had been over 12 years since she had sung to an audience, a public crowd that could hear her distinct voice. It took all of her courage and bravery, but she did it.
June 23, 2019
When was the last time you just stopped and took a moment to breathe, process and enjoy your surroundings?
June 20, 2019
Today I learnt that singing with friends is a pretty sweet way to spend a day. My good friend is soon having a birthday party to celebrate turning 40 and she has requested that instead of bringing her a physical gift, we all bring our giftings and talents to celebrate her. How cute is that?!? So, because she enjoys singing and she knows I like to sing too, we decided to do a song together, along with another one of...
June 19, 2019
I felt, for a moment, that I was connected directly to God. I was acutely conscious of the life He was breathing into me and aware that this body, this vessel that my soul abides in, is His work of art, His masterpiece.