Book of the Month – January 2020

January 1, 2020

Book of the Month
The Power of Moments!
Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact!

There couldn’t possibly be a better way to start a new year, a new book club and this new initiative of highlighting one book each month, than with this book.

The Power of Moments is the ultimate book for helping us understand the importance of a single moment. It explains what makes a defining moment and why some meaningful experiences stand out more in our memories than others.

When I first read this book, it impacted me so greatly that I found myself pondering “what if?” and “imagine if…” about almost every aspect of my life. Ultimately, it helped me to dream and think more about how I could do life better; how all the moments that we so easily overlook or pass over as insignificant, can become significant, important and memorable.

I encourage you to read this book, especially at the start of this new year, to help you redefine how you think and process moments, and to help you learn and grow richer by all your everyday experiences that can become precious, special and significant moments.

Want to purchase this book? Click here!

Want to join our book club? Click here!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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