

Christmas – Spoken Word

(Written by Conny Stewart – December 2023) It started with a Word! God spoke and the universe was formed. Let there be Light, He said, and darkness was broken. The world was formed and humanity breathed its first breath. And God called His creation good. But soon darkness began seeping through the cracks and the light began to fade, so God decided to send His beloved Son to this world He loved, to illuminate the Light once more. Love is...

A Twenty One Year Old Love Story…

This is not really a fairy tale, but it is a love story or more accurately, a story of love becoming. It was twenty one years ago, last month (July 2020), that I met the man of my dreams. Okay, let’s be real here! There were not really many dreams or hopes and wishes – I was quite happy being single, but I did meet the man who would soon become my husband, and I am ever so grateful that...

Happy New Year!

The team at The Whole Living Hub want to wish you a Happy New Year! We welcome 2020 with open arms and warm hearts. We are so excited to see all that this new year brings. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We promise to bring some exciting new things in 2020 – starting with the launch of our new book club today. We are also now open for your submissions – from today until the 15th...

Your Best Life. Now

Your best life now

I have learnt through working in interior design that there will never be a perfect solution for a home. However, there is always a better, an even better, and often a best solution within the limitations I have to work with. True creativity after all is birthed in limitations, not in absolute freedom.

Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog & Hillsong Creative Devotionals) “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things.” 1 Chronicles 29:11 (NLT) What do you think when you hear the word adore? What does adore mean to you? To me, adore means to stop and surrender every...

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!

Take a walk with me… imagine we’re standing in a forest of trees. Oaks, pines and cedars surround us, standing so tall and majestic. Trunks and branches reaching for the sky. Leaves flutter and sway in the breeze. Dry stalks, remnants of life and colour, crunching beneath our feet as we traverse amongst the greatness of God, expressed in nature surrounding us. What are you feeling in this moment?