...you will find that things are starting to take shape and make sense again. Systems and processes are becoming evident. You are finally getting organised and you can start gaining control over your life again.
October 23, 2019
October 23, 2019
...you will find that things are starting to take shape and make sense again. Systems and processes are becoming evident. You are finally getting organised and you can start gaining control over your life again.
October 11, 2019
Every home I’ve ever lived in felt instantly more homely once it had a lamp lighting up a dark corner in the evening. In fact, when I move into a new house, I make sure I get at least one lamp going from the first night, just to soften the blow of feeling not at home and surrounded by chaos.
October 10, 2019
If you have any kind of office space, be it at work or at home, and you just can't seem to find anything for all the clutter, or you haven't seen the actual desk in so long that you've forgotten what colour it is, well friends, this one is for you!
October 1, 2019
So how do we make moving easier, and maybe even enjoyable? After all, the opportunity and necessity to start afresh can be just what we need.
September 26, 2019
By the end of my drive, I was feeling a thousand times better about everything. I rested in the assurance that God's got this. God has got me and it will all be okay. This is just my new normal now!
September 4, 2019
A beautiful home is a tool for outworking the Kingdom and pointing to Jesus. An organised home helps us to launch out into a chaotic world with a fighting chance, and provides a safe place to return to.
September 2, 2019
It is possible to create a life enhancing home without a gigantic budget and a cutting edge architect, and it all starts with getting a fresh perspective.
August 1, 2019
It's gratitude that drives my deck posts, not bragging or showing off. I want you to be able to experience my view and appreciate all that my deck has to offer for yourself.
June 23, 2019
When was the last time you just stopped and took a moment to breathe, process and enjoy your surroundings?
April 23, 2018
(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Hello! Come in! You are welcome here! Leave your weapons at the door. Take your coat off, take your load off, You won’t need them anymore. This is a place of acceptance. A place of comfort, A place of peace. Here there is no pecking order, No competition, no fighting, No upper-hand to seek. It’s a place of generosity, Where no one is a slave, But we all serve each other The finest of...