

Book of the Month – May 2020

Book of the Month

This book is about belonging. It’s about cultivating true belonging in our communities, organisations and culture and helping us to find courage and connection. It may seem a bit odd to be delving into such a book in this current climate of isolation, self-quarantine and sequestering, but after thinking it through, we decided that now is as good a time as any to be reading about and discovering ways to better connect and belong. Once we are able to resume...

Your Best Life. Now

Your best life now

I have learnt through working in interior design that there will never be a perfect solution for a home. However, there is always a better, an even better, and often a best solution within the limitations I have to work with. True creativity after all is birthed in limitations, not in absolute freedom.

You Are… Of Great Worth!

There are also many scriptures in the Bible that talk of your value and how intricately and wonderfully you were created. It speaks of your name being written in God's book. It tells you that God knows each hair on your head; that His thoughts about you outnumber the grains of sand; that He cares more about you than the birds of the air and yet He knows each feather that they drop.

This Gift of Community!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) As I was sitting alone in my quiet house the other day, a thought struck me that I can’t seem to shake. I have found myself telling a few people over the past few days too and I’m kind of surprising myself. The more I think on it, the more it rings true. I am really enjoying motherhood at the moment. Okay, so here’s the thing – and I’m gonna be real honest right...