Whole Relationships


Happy New Year!

The team at The Whole Living Hub want to wish you a Happy New Year! We welcome 2020 with open arms and warm hearts. We are so excited to see all that this new year brings. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We promise to bring some exciting new things in 2020 – starting with the launch of our new book club today. We are also now open for your submissions – from today until the 15th...

Tips for the Travelling Spouse – and the Loved Ones that Stay Behind

The traveler has been out in the big wide world on their own (away from family and loved ones) and they need to reacquaint themselves with home, with the everyday rhythms of the household, with the things that have happened or changed since they left, so give them that time and space.

Your Best Life. Now

Your best life now

I have learnt through working in interior design that there will never be a perfect solution for a home. However, there is always a better, an even better, and often a best solution within the limitations I have to work with. True creativity after all is birthed in limitations, not in absolute freedom.

You Are… Of Great Worth!

There are also many scriptures in the Bible that talk of your value and how intricately and wonderfully you were created. It speaks of your name being written in God's book. It tells you that God knows each hair on your head; that His thoughts about you outnumber the grains of sand; that He cares more about you than the birds of the air and yet He knows each feather that they drop.