By the end of my drive, I was feeling a thousand times better about everything. I rested in the assurance that God's got this. God has got me and it will all be okay. This is just my new normal now!
September 26, 2019
New Normal

September 26, 2019
By the end of my drive, I was feeling a thousand times better about everything. I rested in the assurance that God's got this. God has got me and it will all be okay. This is just my new normal now!
September 17, 2019
Hi, Conny here! I just wanted to pop in here real quick to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for supporting this project! You have all blessed our socks off with your ‘liking’, following and sharing of The Whole Living Hub Social Media sites; and you have swarmed here to our new website in droves. Thanks also for all of you who subscribed and I apologise in advance for bombarding your emails this week – I have...
September 12, 2019
You are beautiful, inside and out and you wear it so very well. You have such a confidence in who you are, and you are happy and content with where you are in your life. I could never boast such confidence at your age but it is a gift you possess and it's stunning.
September 10, 2019
It’s the 10th of September, 2019 and I am excited to finally share with you what I have been working on this past season. Today, we officially launch The Whole Living Hub! It’s an online community all about people helping people Live a Life of Wholeness! – well that’s our tag line anyway. 😜 We are just a bunch of imperfect humans sharing our journeys to help you live your best life, with Christ at the centre. Read more about...
September 2, 2019
God, my Father! Never changing and always there. Through trials and sorrow, heartache and pain, brokenness and disfunction, to healing and health, transformation and reconciliation, to wholeness - He has been there.
August 2, 2019
I had a small victory today. Well, okay, it was actually a really huge momentus victory and I can’t keep it to myself. Literally! Today, I launched my new project, my new business, a community hub, my website, this website. It’s now live on the WorldWideWeb, for everyone to see. The thing about it is, the site is not ready. It’s incomplete and clunky and utterly imperfect. Not all the pages and spaces have been set up properly. Not all...
July 17, 2019
Each day we explored a different place within decent driving distance of our home. We went on walks up mountains, through rainforests, by the ocean, up the river and through the gardens.
June 30, 2019
There is a lot of peer pressure these days, and all of you that are parents would have already felt the effects of that in your children one way or another.
June 27, 2019
The Word of God (The Bible) is our guide book for life and as Christians, we should seek to follow Christ's example and live according to The Word.
June 25, 2019
If someone is offended by something you have done, or is upset with you about a situation, beautiful friend, I want to implore you to stop carrying that. It is not your offence, it’s not your issue and it’s not your burden to carry. All you can do is try and talk it through with the person that is offended and seek a resolution. If that is not possible, then I implore you to take the entire situation to God...