Whole Relationships


It’s Been Awhile…

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Lying in my bed, tossing and turning. Too many words rolling around in my head. Words and phrases, sentences and paragraphs, formulating pieces and posts. I can’t sleep. I can’t shake it. I have to write it down. I have to share it. Somebody out there needs to read these words, to hear this message. Truth to be told, encouragement to be shared, heart-ache to be healed, hope to be given, secrets to be...

Welcome Home!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Hello! Come in! You are welcome here! Leave your weapons at the door. Take your coat off, take your load off, You won’t need them anymore. This is a place of acceptance. A place of comfort, A place of peace. Here there is no pecking order, No competition, no fighting, No upper-hand to seek. It’s a place of generosity, Where no one is a slave, But we all serve each other The finest of...

I Wish It Was Christmas Every Day

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Oh how I love Christmas! I love the entire season and all that it means and stands for. I love the preparing, the craziness, the organising, the busy-ness. I love the cosiness, the calm, the generosity, the reflection, the positivity it produces. I love the card writing and reading, the gift giving and receiving, the meal sharing and fellowship. I love the carols, the candles, the decorations, the delicious food, the treats, the event...