Christmas – Spoken Word

December 29, 2023

(Written by Conny Stewart – December 2023)

It started with a Word! God spoke and the universe was formed. Let there be Light, He said, and darkness was broken. The world was formed and humanity breathed its first breath.

And God called His creation good. But soon darkness began seeping through the cracks and the light began to fade, so God decided to send His beloved Son to this world He loved, to illuminate the Light once more.

Love is the reason for this Christmas story of the gospel that came to this broken and hurting world in the form of a baby. The God child. The Light.

A seed was planted by the Author and Creator into a virgin who was chosen as faithful and righteous.

Long was the journey travelled by the chosen mother, Mary with child and Joseph her betrothed, to find a place where it was safe to lay their head and birth the heir.

Bethlehem, the town they arrived had no room for them but a barn. So with the animals they rested as the Creator of the world in human flesh was born – the Son of God began new life enveloped in a place where His own Creation dwells.

How blessed were the animals in that barn that silent sacred night to witness the birthing of their Creator in human flesh?!

So, the seed grew and a baby was born this blessed day as the Answer to this broken and hurting world – not to become ruler as many had hoped but to become healer, teacher, Christ the King – His message: Love, grace, forgiveness and peace.

A star. A twinkling, diamond like Light in the night sky, shone brightly above the place where He lay. Beckoning those who wondered to come and see… The Son of God, new Light He would bring.

Wise men followed this star, guiding them to this Light. The God child they found resting in a manger. Gifts they brought to honour their King: Gold – the richest of metals; Frankincense – the most precious of spices; and Myrrh – the most delightful fragrance of all scents. They bowed down and worshipped Him.

Shepherds nestled on hilltops with their flocks nearby, gazed into the sky that night knowing that something significant had happened and the whole world would be different now.

They were visited by an angel, shining in magnificent glory. Afraid, they trembled, but this angel shared the good news: Great joy has come in the form a Saviour, born this day – He is Messiah, the Lord.

Angelical forms swarmed the heavens singing in glorious harmony celebrating the birth of this majestic child – Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on earth to all man, they sang.

The shepherds hurried to find this new baby, filled with joy and excitement, they told all they met. The King is born today – Messiah, the Lord has come. And all who heard were amazed, glorifying and praising God.

But earthly kings grew jealous and angry as they knew their control and reign was fleeting as the Christ child who was born this Christmas night would soon be King and reign over all.

But, in this upside down gospel – far too mysterious for simple humans to comprehend, the truth came to this world in the form of a child King to rule with Love, grace, peace and forgiveness, forever.

And we sing, Holy Holy Holy is our Lord God Almighty, Amen

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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