Conny’s Constants – 1st August, 2019

August 1, 2019

I post a lot of photo’s from my deck on social media and I take way more than ever get posted. I have had many people comment on those pictures and I have a few ask why I post so many of my view from my deck. Here’s why: I love it! It’s as simple and as complex as that!

When I stand or sit on the deck at the back of my home – the house that we rent and have lived in for over 6 years, since moving up to Queensland from Melbourne – I cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. Each and every time, I look at the view and I am so very thankful.

Thankful that I have such a beautiful view and I’m on the edge of a hill or a small mountain, and not stuck in a valley, enclosed on all sides with no view of the mountains that surround. Thankful for the nature that surrounds – the trees, the sky, the clouds, the breeze of the wind and warmth of the sun, the sounds of the birds and wildlife. It reminds me of our Creator. The God who formed the earth and everything in it, comes to my rememberance when I bask in His creation, the beauty of nature that I can see from my tiny spot in His immense universe. And all I can do is take a moment to give praise where it is due, to acknowledge my God and King and utter my gratefulness to Him from this view.

I’m so thankful that we (my family and I) get to live in this house, which has a deck and we were able to put a comfy outdoor couch to sit on and enjoy the view. Thankful, that I have the time, the privilege of staying home to write and read and I can do that from my deck.

It’s gratitude that drives my deck posts, not bragging or showing off. I want you to be able to experience my view and appreciate all that my deck has to offer for yourself. Those who visit my home know that I can’t wait to take you out onto the deck, whether day or night, to show you the view and let you experience it for yourself, to share in my treasure and daily joy with me.

What treasure do you have that you can share with others? What are you grateful for that you wish others could experience? Will you share your pictures of your view too?

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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