Conny’s Constants – 24th June, 2019

June 24, 2019

With shaking knees and quaking heart, she stepped forward when her name was called. She pasted a smile on her face that she wasn’t feeling. It was fake, but it had to be this time, lest anyone know how she was really feeling.

Breathless, with what felt like an elephant sitting on her chest, she opened her mouth and made the required noise.

It wasn’t beautiful or delicate or even delightful but it was her gift to her friend.

Numerous eyes were gazing in her direction but she couldn’t meet them, choosing instead to focus on the small dot of smudged something or other on the ceiling.

She didn’t know where to put her hands. Her pockets, though comfy and warm would have made her appear almost nonchalant, so she clutched her fingers ever so tightly together in front of her.

She stood, edging towards the outside of the group, gently switching from one foot to the other, hoping no one would see her knees shaking. Her legs, barely strong enough to hold her body upright and firm as the moment almost overtook her.

And then, when it was over after a few screeches, a bit of wavering and a lot of unsettled breathing, she bowed her head and hurried to the back to hide behind the crowd and shed a tear.

It had been over 12 years since she had sung to an audience, a public crowd that could hear her distinct voice. It took all of her courage and bravery, but she did it. For a friend who requested her to share her talent, her gift, her voice, as a gift. She did it! Happy scared but with her heart full of love, she did it!

Is there something that you find hard to do but would try anyway, for a loved one? What brave, courageous thing do you need to step out and just do? What do you think about faking it until you make it? Have you ever felt happy scared?

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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