Conny’s Constants – 2nd August, 2019

August 2, 2019

I had a small victory today. Well, okay, it was actually a really huge momentus victory and I can’t keep it to myself. Literally! Today, I launched my new project, my new business, a community hub, my website, this website. It’s now live on the WorldWideWeb, for everyone to see.

The thing about it is, the site is not ready. It’s incomplete and clunky and utterly imperfect. Not all the pages and spaces have been set up properly. Not all the intended content has been added or even written. There are so many gaps and spaces that need to be filled. There are so many completed pieces that need to be included. There is still so much to do.

This project has been such a difficult journey for me, yet oh so rewarding. My friend likened it to the process of pregnancy, from conception to the birthing of a beautiful, much loved baby. It has been much like that for me. The conception, the idea was the easy (and fun) part – and don’t we all know that’s the truth (wink wink).

The pregnancy was a little more difficult. With moments and days of sickness and then celebrations, mundane days of waiting, then of preparing and planning for the inevitable birth. But it has been the labour, the actual birthing process that has taken the most out of me. Pushing this baby out has truely taken its toll in many ways and this time, unlike real birth, my baby is only half baked. There is still so much to do.

But, I have finally taken the plunge and launched, because I needed to do it. I needed to stop procrastinating and making excuses and labouring and lamenting. I needed to stop striving for perfection and waiting for the moment until it was all complete and ready. I needed to bite the bullet and release it out into the big unknown, because that’s what this whole project is all about.

This hub is a community of imperfect people, living their lives and sharing their journey’s of heartache, heartbreak, pain, healing, hope and perseverance. It’s about taking each other by the hand and walking along together into health and life and wholeness.

Will you take this journey with me? Will you walk along side and help this community hub become all that it’s meant to be? Will you join us imperfect humans live a life of wholeness? Welcome aboard!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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