Conny’s Constants – 7th November, 2015

November 7, 2015

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Today was an interesting day! Here are a few things I discovered:

  1. The children always act up, bicker & fight when I am otherwise pre-occupied doing something for myself (ie. going to the bathroom; having a shower; going on the tread-mill; or on a phone-call). It always seems to be the time when they decide that Mum is distracted and now we can play up – but, I am grateful that I have children that are growing up, learning to be independent and don’t need me to do everything for them or be there all the time.
  2. It always rains on the few, rare days that I decide to hang my washing up on the line – but, I am grateful for the rain, after a long, hot day.
  3. It’s quite difficult to make a king-sized bed by myself (and equally difficult to make a top bunk-bed by myself) – but, I am grateful that I have a king-size bed and bunks, and that I have a wonderful husband and children to sleep in those beds.
  4. When I go to the store to buy 2 DVD’s and only 2, pre-selected and agreed upon DVD’s, I always somehow manage to walk away with 4 or more purchased – but, I am grateful that I am blessed enough to be able to afford those extra DVD’s and that I can spoil the children a little bit.
  5. I love lazy Saturday morning sleep-ins, but no matter how much I ask the children not to bother me until after 8am, they cannot help but knock on my door at 6.02am asking if they can borrow my nail-polish colours, of all things – but, I am grateful that we all woke up for another day, that we were safe during the night, that my children are usually pretty good sleepers, and that having early risers is actually a good thing on school-days so I don’t have to drag them out of bed.
  6. I love fresh, home-made salad rolls – I am grateful that we have money and access to wonderful fresh & healthy produce/food and that I have the time and ability to make them myself, and my kids love them too!
  7. I’m not a fan of 34 degrees heat with humidity pushing 90%. I really don’t like sweating when I’m standing still – but, I am grateful that I am alive & healthy, that clever people designed wonderful body care products and fragrances that keep me smelling nice, that the sun still shines and that God created the heat & humidity for a purpose, that I have a comfortable house & car with fully functioning air-conditioning.
  8. When I intentionally sit down to pray about something, I always end up falling asleep – just a little nana nap, but asleep none the less – but, I am grateful for those quiet, precious moments as I wander off to the land of nod, communicating with Father God, my Maker because it’s those moments when I feel such peace & connection with Him and I can hear His voice clearer.
  9. I love when my house is clean & tidy, I really enjoy looking at no mess, but I really don’t enjoy cleaning it, and neither do my kids for that matter – so, I am grateful for house-cleaners (those wonderful people who do all the hard-work for you), and those brilliant inventor minds that came up with fantastic cleaning products & machines that make our everyday life so much easier.
  10. When we all pitch in and do our part – with a good attitude and having fun (like singing at the top of our lungs & grooving to ‘Funk Town Rock’ together) – the jobs get done quicker and the atmosphere in the house is wonderful – and I am incredibly grateful for that. I’m also grateful that I have four pretty AWESOME children who do their part and that they are all healthy, happy, living, breathing replicas of myself & my husband (only all the good bits though 😜), and whom I love & adore very much.
  11. That my kids think I’m ‘the best Mum in the entire world’ when I buy them treats that they like and go to places they want to go, but that story quickly turns around when I make them eat their vegetables at dinner, especially ones that they are not particularly fond of – but, I am grateful that they momentarily think that I’m a pretty cool Mum, even if it takes bribing for them to say it (nah, not really 😜) – they tell me that they love me randomly without any prompting, at least once a day, and for that I am incredibly grateful.
  12. I really like having my husband around. I enjoy his company and miss him immensely when he is away – I am grateful and blessed to be married to a hard-working man, who sees it as his life mission to provide for his family, who loves and cares for us incredibly well.

Mostly, today I discovered that although things can happen that can be frustrating or annoying, there is always a positive side to it, or another way to look at the situation. I want to be grateful, not a grumbler.

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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