Dreams Are Free!

August 29, 2020

Often, during this unprecedented season of social isolation, lockdowns, and the absolute opposite to normality, I find myself thinking, pondering and dreaming. The what if’s, imagine when’s, and maybe then’s of life have visited me regularly.

I know in my knower that things will never “go back to normal”, or be like they were before this global pandemic hit. I hesitate to guess what normal will even look like a year from now. But, what I do know, is that in this moment, at this time, we have the power, opportunity and ability to dream.

We can think about what we want our future to look like, we can ponder on all the things that we’ve done and how we can move forward towards the things we want to do. We have the unique opportunity to literally re-invent ourselves, our lives, our current situations and our futures. All we need to do is dream.

What would your perfect job be if there were no hinderances? Where do you see yourself living? What does your family, friendships, and faith look like in your ideal world? What are your ideals? What dreams have you held onto for so long? What do you imagine, wish, want and hope for? What could your new world, new tomorrow, and new life be?

Dreams are free. They don’t cost us anything, but they can help us become something. It doesn’t harm anyone to imagine a better world, a better future, a different circumstance, or a new life. If what your hoping and dreaming for is better than what you currently have, then where can you go wrong?

Ask yourself, what steps can I take right now to make my imaginings a reality, and then, simply take the first step. Then, the next step and the next step and the next one. Before you know it, you are walking your new life into reality. Okay, I know this sounds a little airy-fairy and maybe even car-salesman-y, but I promise you, it’s the truth.

I must put in a small disclaimer here though – I am not giving you permission to walk away from the hard things, like your difficult job, your marriage or your kids. I am certainly not encouraging you to walk away from your life as you currently know it. I am however, giving you permission to dream.

Dream in order to figure out how you can make those hard things easier, how you can stick to that job and make it better, or find a new career path that you are more suited for. I’m encouraging you to dream your better marriage into reality, making plans and taking steps to fix and improve the one that you are in right now.

Dream and imagine in order to figure out how to reach, teach and parent your children better; to find good friends, and cultivate better friendships; to find what makes you happy and to pursue it.

I’ll say it one more time, for those asleep in the front and those way out in the back – Dreams are FREE! So, my friend, let’s start dreaming some good things into reality in this season, so that we can live better in our next season. Are you with me?

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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