I Wish It Was Christmas Every Day

December 27, 2017

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Oh how I love Christmas! I love the entire season and all that it means and stands for. I love the preparing, the craziness, the organising, the busy-ness. I love the cosiness, the calm, the generosity, the reflection, the positivity it produces. I love the card writing and reading, the gift giving and receiving, the meal sharing and fellowship. I love the carols, the candles, the decorations, the delicious food, the treats, the event attending, the festivities and all the celebrations. I even love the fragrance of Christmas and the feelings it brings. I love everything about Christmas!

So, for me, the days after Christmas are kinda difficult. I can’t seem to bring myself to the thought of packing up the decorations and putting away all the beautiful ornaments and embellishments that have made my home so cosy over the last month. I stretch the yummy food out as far as it can go, to the extent that I portion out all the chocolates and goodies that I’ve received so that they last at least a week after. I continue to watch Christmas movies and read Christmas books at least until the new year arrives. I keep burning the fragrant candles, playing the Christmas music and using the Christmas linen until it gets to the point where I simply can’t justify doing it anymore.

This morning, I posted this photo on my Instagram, along with these words: Squeezing out the last vestiges of Christmas 2017 – with a cup of tea in my Christmas teacup, reading a Christmas romance by ‘Christmas Pudding’ fragranced candlelight whilst devouring the last candy-cane!   #ilovechristmas #blessed #stewartchristmas #stewartsonstaycay #familieswhochristmastogether #villeroyandboch   #ivy&wood #candycane #harlequin #thisisthelife

When all the ‘Christmas’ is packed away for another year, I go through a period of mourning. Strange, I know, but, it’s the truth. I get this low, empty kind of feeling as I miss all the wonderful things that Christmas brings. I find myself sitting there staring into space, reminiscing – trying so hard to draw on the feelings and memories I experienced just days ago. I take a few more photos of the Christmas tree before it all comes down and I feel so forlorn. Am I the only one? Come on girls, let’s be real here. There is something so simply wonderful about Christmas, isn’t there?

So, as I sat down this morning, I began to prepare. I thought on all the things I could do to make Christmas last all year. I took out my notebook and my fancy Christmas pen and along with my planner, I started to jot it all in. I pondered on the things that make Christmas special to me and then I considered how I could make it be, that Christmas be felt in all that I say and all that I feel. Throughout this whole new year, I’m going to reveal a little bit of Christmas in all that I do.

I plan to sew Christmas projects and knit Christmas clothing and make Christmas craft all year. I plan to make Christmas cards and buy Christmas gifts and bake Christmas goodies throughout the year. I plan to hold dinner parties, tea parties and feasts to lavish on loved ones all of the treats that make them feel special and Christmassy. Most importantly, far above all the ‘things’ is the generosity and kindness that Christmas brings. It’s about the joy and wonder and making memories of wonderful things.

Let’s not forget the reason for the season. The birth of Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of it all! So, I intend to remember His story – His birth, His life, His death and His resurrection – throughout this new year. To think on Him, consider Him, communicate with Him, represent Him, spread His Word, and shine Him in everything that I do.

I’m convinced that it can feel like Christmas everyday, ‘cos each day is really all about what you make it. If you too love Christmas as much as I do, I challenge you to celebrate it everyday too!

Let’s not wait until December next year to show goodness and kindness. To express peace on the earth, goodwill to all men. To lavish love, friendship and generosity. To make each moment a special memory. To make our home’s beautiful and to treat ourselves and each other well. To make the Christmas feeling extend throughout the year and to remember to make Jesus the centre of it all!

Merry Christmas with love & blessings to you, beautiful one!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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