It’s Been Awhile…

July 24, 2018

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Lying in my bed, tossing and turning. Too many words rolling around in my head. Words and phrases, sentences and paragraphs, formulating pieces and posts. I can’t sleep. I can’t shake it. I have to write it down. I have to share it. Somebody out there needs to read these words, to hear this message.

Truth to be told, encouragement to be shared, heart-ache to be healed, hope to be given, secrets to be revealed, honesty to be upheld, beauty to be complimented, problems to be solved, questions to be asked, answers to be unpacked, unfolding as words are written and shared.

I feel such a weight to make sure that everything I write and share is truth. Honesty, raw and real, along with compassion and encouragement is my aim. Every time I sit down and write, I want my words to first and foremost, line up with the Word of God. I want to bring hope and healing in a refreshing and down-to-earth way. I don’t want it to be fake and blow bubbles in your face to make you feel good. I want to only write what I live and believe.

I’ve said all that to say that I’m sorry! I am very aware that I haven’t actually posted any new blogs here for quite some time. And I could give you a whole list of excuses as to why that is – I mean, I have started writing so many different posts in the recent weeks, but they are all unfinished, incomplete and sitting in ‘drafts’ awaiting refinement before completion and ultimate posting – but I won’t insult you or bore you with all the mundane and standard “busy-life” excuses.

You see, it occurred to me this evening, as I was struggling to go to sleep, thinking of all the incomplete pieces I have waiting, that none of us are complete. Not one of us can claim that they are finished or perfect or ready for the ‘ultimate posting’, we are all unfinished. Awaiting refinement. A work in progress. We are all living in this messy, beautiful, heart-breaking journey called life and we are all travelling along as best we can, the only way we know how.

The thing is though, that I have a gift – just as you have a gift – and my particular gift is words. It’s my passion, responsibility, calling, purpose, fit-in-whatever-word-suits-here, to share my gift with you. And I have been remiss of doing just that. I have let life happen – let time, excuses, distractions, feelings of unworthiness, discouragement – get the better of me and I have deprived myself and you of this gift that God has given me to write words of encouragement to you. And for that I am so very sorry!

I vow to pick up and start again. To draw a line in the sand, put a stake in the ground and begin once more. I won’t let excuses get in the way, I won’t let my insecurities overwhelm me, I won’t let my unfinished, incomplete, unrefined self wait for the refining of the masters hand before I complete a post. I will write in the middle of the mess. The real, the raw, the honest, the broken, the beautiful, the messy, the heart-ache, the celebrations, the truth, the unanswered and the unfolding of me. Because that’s what we share, that’s who we are and that’s where we can all help and encourage each other.

So, what is your gift? What can you do that could help someone? What are you not doing that you could be doing? What are you passionate about? How can your unrefined, incomplete self bless others today? Will you take up that challenge with me to use that gift that God has given you – that is uniquely yours – and not let constraints and life’s busyness stop you from being all that God has called you to be?

We’re all in this life together, to do community and family together. How can you play your part best? and most importantly, will you?

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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