Learning to Let Go…

August 29, 2017

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

As I step out of my job and into a new season in my life, I am struggling with the ‘letting go’ of it all.

The over-played and over used Frozen song comes to mind as I keep telling myself to step away, walk away, don’t interfere, they’ll be ok.

My A-type personality is all over making sure that the job is done properly and the details are checked. I need the ‘t’s’ crossed and the ‘i’s’ dotted.

I’m worried that if it’s not done in the correct order, something will be missed and it will take longer to re-do or fix, or the product will be delivered incomplete, and on and on it goes.

I’m sure that I am driving the people around me crazy. I’m verbalising aloud at least once, every hour – “Let it go Conny, just let it go!” But still, it remains an incredibly difficult thing for me to do.

It’s not that they are not capable or even that they need me. I’m not the only one that can do the job and I know that I have trained and taught them well.

It’s me! Simply me and my own need to have it all under control.

So, I did it – I stepped back for a moment, and alas, it didn’t all fall apart. Everything just went along fine. Nothing broke or was missed and no one was screaming out for me to rescue them and fix anything. It was all ok!

I am reminded in a gentle whisper that my gracious God is looking down on me from above, saying to my anxious, controlling self, Cast all your cares upon me. Lay all of your burdens down at my feet. Let go and let me! It’s going to be okay.”

And it will be too, you know? It will ALL be okay!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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