Living Whole in this Moment

January 7, 2021

There are so many voices. So many great things and not so great things, and good ideas and terrible ideas that keep coming across my path. So many positive and negative opinions being presented. Voices and words and noises and distractions. Ideas and opinions, thoughts and conversations. New projects, programs, systems and ways. And honestly, I’m overwhelmed!

I’ve had to take some steps back and withdraw a little these past few months, to find some quiet away from the noise, to find some meaning and truth amongst the voices, to push away the distractions and learn to focus on The One.

I choose to be whole and to live whole, and to me that means living each day with intention. It means getting back to the basics, to the truth and the simplicity of life. To sort through all the external noises and voices to find the whisper within. To find meaning in the chaos and to focus on The One.

As we enter another year, I don’t want to be swayed by other voices and others choices, I want to seek God and His will for me. I don’t want to just join the latest groups and programs, I choose to remain placed where God has me and follow His leading. As wonderful as all the things seem, I don’t want to be distracted from the simplicity of His truth.

So, can I encourage you, to not let this/me be just another voice, another system, another opinion. Let me and this article, even this whole site – be an example to help you still the voices and quiet the noises, to figure out what matters to you, and to seek God for His will and way for your life.

My aim and goal (and our intention throughout this site) is to not just be another voice, but to be a vehicle, an avenue, even an arrow that always points you towards THE VOICE – toward the only One that really matters – to God!

Below, I list a few things that have helped me recalibrate myself during the past few months. Maybe these ideas can help you too…

1. Acknowledging my emotions and how I feel – when you take time to stop and actually think about how/what you are feeling, you might be shocked. Be intentional about sorting through your feelings, feel them, name them, claim them and then let them go – especially if they are negative. Don’t let your feelings rule your life. It is healthy to feel them, just not to dwell on them.

2. Moving my body to release stress – going for a walk each day has been one of the best things for me. It helps the blood pump through my system, helps to release nasty toxins and promotes release of some good natural chemicals inside me too. Movement also helps refocus our thoughts and a change of scenery can actually bring fresh inspiration, new perspective and can even change the way we feel inside. You could also do some simple stretches or go for a quick swim – whatever you can find time to do that makes your body move is going to bring positive results.

3. Being in nature – this is one of my favorite ways to relax and re-calibrate. Whether it’s lying on the beach, going for a swim, climbing a mountain, walking through a rain-forest or simply sitting on the veranda listening to the birds singing in the trees – being in any kind of nature does great things for your mind, body, soul and spirit. A long deep breathe of fresh air is healing in itself, but let your body soak in the splendor of God’s magnificent creation for even just 30 minutes and you will feel so good. I promise! 😊

4. Practice Gratitude – whether it’s journaling, taking photos and posting them on social media, or simply sending a quick prayer of thanks for something beautiful, practicing gratitude is another highly effective way to re-calibrate. We have shared many times on this site, that the benefits of practicing gratitude are numerous and expansive. It is so good for our bodies and souls (our entire beings really) to appreciate and recognise the good in the things that surround us. Take some time each day to name the things you are thankful for. I’m sure that once you start looking, you will find many…

5. Prayer and Meditation – Being constantly mindful that we are living in a universe created by The Creator God helps us to remember Him. Like the practice of gratitude, taking time to acknowledge God in your everyday is the best thing you can do to re-calibrate. Being intentional about setting aside some time each day to pray and even meditate helps to calm the storm inside ourselves and focus our attention on The One who created us and give us every good gift. Even when it seems like there isn’t anything to be thankful for, and we just seem to have a never-ending long list of things we need and want to ask for, taking time to pray about them unburdens us. It gives us a way to take off the troubles and lay them at Jesus feet. Take some time today to pray.

6. Setting Boundaries – This is one that most of us find incredibly difficult but it is so necessary. At the beginning of this article, I was lamenting on the overcrowding encroaching noises that were overwhelming me. The best action I could take to avoid drowning in the abyss of these external voices, was to set some boundaries. By turning my phone off, closing up my social media for longer periods of time each day, turning off the news, switching the radio to beautiful music instead of talking, and immersing myself in things that I find enjoyable, I could find some peace in the wilderness. Simple small steps are sometimes all that is required to limit the input, and then instead of totally withdrawing from society, you find yourself able to still keep carrying on doing the things that need doing most.

7. Digital Detox – In the last point, I briefly mentioned that one of the boundaries I have recently set is to close up my social media apps for longer periods of time during the day. Rather than opening my phone and looking at my social media to see what was going on in the world when I have a spare moment during my day, I choose to open up my Bible App (YouVersion is a great tool) or a game or even picking up a real paperback book instead. Over the last few weeks I have been immersing myself in delightful fiction, doing some puzzles, and watching some lovely mushy Christmas movies, which I have found so healing. Whatever it is that you might enjoy doing with your hands, find something that sparks joy and helps you let your creativity flow instead of picking up your phone and scrolling. Let your mind grow instead of numbing it with digital devices that suck you dry.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this today. I hope that you found some of these ideas helpful and that you too can find some quiet and stillness away from the voices and noises. If you have any questions or other life-giving ideas, please feel free to share them with us in the comments below.

Finally, let me pray a blessing over you and your 2021. May this year be a wonderful journey of becoming more healthy and whole. That you find goodness in the everyday ordinary and find blessing and abundance throughout the year. May God keep you safe and may you grow into more of who He has called you to be. Amen.

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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