Oh, Hear the Angels’ Voices

December 23, 2018

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog & Hillsong Creative Devotionals)

Can you imagine what it was like for Mary to have an angel talk to her and tell her she was going to birth the Son of God? Wow! I would have said “no way, not me – I’m not worthy!”;

Or being Joseph when the angel told him all that was to happen? I would have said “let me off this crazy train! – I was promised a virgin to be my wife and that’s what I’ll have”;

What about the shepherds, on a hilltop watching their sheep when suddenly an angel appears before them – what would that have been like? In one simple word – freaky!

Then the three wise men, guided by a star directing them to the perfect light – to be honest, I think ‘wise’ was the last thing these odd balls seemed – following a light to find the Saviour of the World is really quite absurd!

However, there is much to be said about the suddenness, the unexpectedness of the Christmas story and how God sent His message through angels. We see angels being commissioned by God to talk to humans on His behalf a number of times in scripture. It was often His channel of communication between the natural and super-natural worlds.

So, what is it about angels that causes the message to be received with acceptance and understanding? Is it the way they communicate? What they say, specifically? Is it simply their ethereal presence?

I think it’s all those things! I think that angels are special beings, designed and created by an incredible God. His agents on the earth and in the Heavens. I believe that God still uses angels to communicate His messages today and sometimes we are unaware that we are entertaining angels (see Hebrews 13:2). Have you ever had an experience with an angel?

This line “Oh hear the angels’ voices” in the beautiful carol “Oh, Holy Night”, reminds me of a moment when I was a teenager at youth camp. There were about 40 of us, worshipping God together. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I saw above me the heavens open and the sky filled with angels. It was so bright, so brilliant. I could only see outlines, but it was like angels were surrounding us, singing with us, urging us to keep worshipping, bringing honour and praise to the King of Kings. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I truly believe that we were singing with the angels that night.

I’ve since had moments and glimpses like that. The most recent was just this weekend during spec, when this beautiful song was being sung on Saturday night. It was like the team were singing with the angels and the windows of heaven were opening and pouring down blessings, as praise, honour and worship was being sent back up. (Thank you to all of those who made it an incredible Christmas Spec!)

I want to encourage you this Christmas and forever after, that praise, worship and singing carols is not just about going through the motions, singing the words or playing the notes; dancing the choreography; or mixing the sounds and programming the lights. It’s an act of worship, it’s communication with Heaven. The angels are willing and wanting to join in with your chorus and the exchange is ready to happen.

Imagine what it’s going to be like singing with the angels in Heaven! I can’t wait for that beautiful day to hear the angels’ voices and truly fall to my knees in reverence to the King of Kings! Can you?

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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