It’s Been Awhile…

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Lying in my bed, tossing and turning. Too many words rolling around in my head. Words and phrases, sentences and paragraphs, formulating pieces and posts. I can’t sleep. I can’t shake it. I have to write it down. I have to share it. Somebody out there needs to read these words, to hear this message. Truth to be told, encouragement to be shared, heart-ache to be healed, hope to be given, secrets to be...

Welcome Home!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Hello! Come in! You are welcome here! Leave your weapons at the door. Take your coat off, take your load off, You won’t need them anymore. This is a place of acceptance. A place of comfort, A place of peace. Here there is no pecking order, No competition, no fighting, No upper-hand to seek. It’s a place of generosity, Where no one is a slave, But we all serve each other The finest of...

Overwhelmed, but Hope!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Overwhelmed, At the end of my rope, Can’t seem to find anymore strength to cope It’s all too hard,  It’s going up in smoke,  I’ve lost my way and I just can’t cope.  <> What is this going on inside my mind? What is the reason, what is the rhyme? I’m not good enough, I can’t do it anymore I’m not perfect, so now I’m a failure  <> The tank is empty, It has...

You Are… BRAVE!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Brave is described in the English Dictionary to mean: ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage; to endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear. Courage and Bravery are often confused. I think the difference between the two is slight but relevant – Bravery is the ability to confront pain, danger, or attempts of intimidation without any feeling of fear… Courage, on the other hand, is the ability to undertake an overwhelming...