

You are… LOVED!

No matter what is going on in your life; no matter what you've done, who you are, what you believe about yourself, what your circumstances look like, you are LOVED with an agape love! A love that sees beyond boundaries, race, identity, circumstance. You are loved despite yourself and because of yourself.

Let Heaven and Nature Sing!

Take a walk with me… imagine we’re standing in a forest of trees. Oaks, pines and cedars surround us, standing so tall and majestic. Trunks and branches reaching for the sky. Leaves flutter and sway in the breeze. Dry stalks, remnants of life and colour, crunching beneath our feet as we traverse amongst the greatness of God, expressed in nature surrounding us. What are you feeling in this moment?

Growing Independent Kids

God reminded me that my children are only mine for a period of time and that I get the privilege and joy of loving them and the angst and heartache of moulding them into becoming all that God has called them to be. I'm just borrowing them for their formative years and then they get to go out into this big wide world on their own as wonderfully unique individuals...

Another Duck Story…

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Yesterday morning, I saw something that completely shook me. Let me preface this little story with a bit of a disclaimer. For those of you that know me, you know that I am not necessarily an animal lover. I eat meat (lots of it) and I wouldn’t call myself an advocate for animals rights by any stretch of the imagination. I also have participated and enjoyed a bit of hunting in my time too....