

A Twenty One Year Old Love Story…

This is not really a fairy tale, but it is a love story or more accurately, a story of love becoming. It was twenty one years ago, last month (July 2020), that I met the man of my dreams. Okay, let’s be real here! There were not really many dreams or hopes and wishes – I was quite happy being single, but I did meet the man who would soon become my husband, and I am ever so grateful that...

God’s Immeasurable Love for Us – a Reminder!

Do you think we will ever really grasp the heights and depths, the lengths and wide expanses, the vast magnitude of God’s love for us? It is displayed in glorious beauty all around us, every moment of every day. Are you watching? Are you seeing? Can you feel it and understand it? I constantly find myself standing in awe before His magnificent creation and yet, I think it is but a glimpse of His wonder. God’s love for us is...

You are… LOVED!

No matter what is going on in your life; no matter what you've done, who you are, what you believe about yourself, what your circumstances look like, you are LOVED with an agape love! A love that sees beyond boundaries, race, identity, circumstance. You are loved despite yourself and because of yourself.