

A Twenty One Year Old Love Story…

This is not really a fairy tale, but it is a love story or more accurately, a story of love becoming. It was twenty one years ago, last month (July 2020), that I met the man of my dreams. Okay, let’s be real here! There were not really many dreams or hopes and wishes – I was quite happy being single, but I did meet the man who would soon become my husband, and I am ever so grateful that...

Marriage Monday – 20th April 2020

Marriage is wonderful, delightful, romantic and special. It's anger, fighting, misunderstandings and making-up. It's forgiveness, understanding, togetherness and journey. It's annoyance, arrogance, forgetfulness and waiting. It's learning and growing, bad habits and good intentions. It's patience, kindness, gentleness, love and commitment. It's unconditional.

Tips for the Travelling Spouse – and the Loved Ones that Stay Behind

The traveler has been out in the big wide world on their own (away from family and loved ones) and they need to reacquaint themselves with home, with the everyday rhythms of the household, with the things that have happened or changed since they left, so give them that time and space.