

Tips for the Travelling Spouse – and the Loved Ones that Stay Behind

The traveler has been out in the big wide world on their own (away from family and loved ones) and they need to reacquaint themselves with home, with the everyday rhythms of the household, with the things that have happened or changed since they left, so give them that time and space.

Conny’s Constants – 2nd August, 2019

I had a small victory today. Well, okay, it was actually a really huge momentus victory and I can’t keep it to myself. Literally! Today, I launched my new project, my new business, a community hub, my website, this website. It’s now live on the WorldWideWeb, for everyone to see. The thing about it is, the site is not ready. It’s incomplete and clunky and utterly imperfect. Not all the pages and spaces have been set up properly. Not all...

Welcome Home!

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog) Hello! Come in! You are welcome here! Leave your weapons at the door. Take your coat off, take your load off, You won’t need them anymore. This is a place of acceptance. A place of comfort, A place of peace. Here there is no pecking order, No competition, no fighting, No upper-hand to seek. It’s a place of generosity, Where no one is a slave, But we all serve each other The finest of...