Taking a Moment…

August 31, 2017

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Life has been really busy lately. I know, I know, yours has been the same! Everyone seems to be suffering the same fate and living on the crazy busy train. Well, I decided that it was time to pull on the wire that sounds that alarm, cos I was jumping off the ‘crazy busy train’ at the next stop. This was my stop. Time to pull the plug on busy-ness and find some rest, some peace and recharge the batteries.

So, I put my leave form in at work (for 3 precious days), set everything up so that others could hold the fort during my absence and told them I wasn’t going to be contactable. I didn’t book a hotel for a stay away. I didn’t make plans to catch up with any friends. I didn’t promise anyone anything. I simply “checked out” for 3 days. Took off all the hats I’ve been wearing – you know, the Mum hat, the Wife hat, the Branch Manager hat (all the other hats that the job entails), the taxi driver hat, the house-cleaner hat, the cook & keeper hat. Every hat for every responsibility that I have, I took it off. I laid them down and took some time out for me.

I slept in, I ate when I was hungry, I went wherever I wanted to go, I showered when I felt like it, I wore the clothes I wanted to, I did some clothes shopping at my leisure (something that I don’t really enjoy doing at all, but it needed to be done – my wardrobe needed a little refresh), I spent time going where I wanted when I wanted. I didn’t let time constrain me. I took my watch off, I turned off my phone, I read, I wrote, I dreamt, I pondered, I planned, I created. I relaxed and went back to nature, I immersed myself in the forest, I lay on the beach. I went to a bookshop or two, I roamed through the library. I went for a pamper treatment at a day spa, I got a haircut, I went and watched a movie by myself. I did all the things that I’ve wanted to do for so long, but couldn’t find time or money to do. I lived!

And you know, the days, they didn’t drag but they didn’t go fast either. I didn’t realise how just simply stopping and being can miraculously cause time to slow down too. My breathing slowed, my eating and drinking slowed – I found myself savouring every single mouthful and taking the time to chew properly. I got a new appreciation of my surroundings and all my senses seemed more awake. It was completely refreshing.

And then I had to go back to work!

It was better this time. I was able to respond better and multi-task with a new vigour. I was in a better place emotionally after just 3 short days off – away from the daily grind. The busyness didn’t get to me and I wasn’t feeling as exhausted at the end of the day. Three short days. That’s all I needed!

What is your body telling you? Is it time to take a moment? Is it time to focus on you, just you for a few days?

Go on, do it! I dare you! 🙂

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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