Welcome Home!

April 23, 2018

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Hello! Come in!

You are welcome here!

Leave your weapons at the door.

Take your coat off, take your load off,

You won’t need them anymore.

This is a place of acceptance.

A place of comfort,

A place of peace.

Here there is no pecking order,

No competition, no fighting,

No upper-hand to seek.

It’s a place of generosity,

Where no one is a slave,

But we all serve each other

The finest of everything there is to have.

For here you are accepted

As original and unique.

An unfinished work of art.

A beautiful masterpiece!

This is a place of rest and refuelling,

To recharge for the race ahead,

Where there is time for eating and learning.

Wisdom and Knowledge are not condemned.

It’s a place of understanding,

No judgement, no expectation.

Free to be you,

To make mistakes and be renewed.

Practice not perfection is promoted here!

For here you are enough.

No seeking or striving required.

Accepted as you are.

Messy, broken or inspired.

Be genuine and authentic,

Honest, real and raw.

Here your tears are accepted,

And here your pain is mended.

Here you can belong.

You are important, you are loved.

Respect is freely given,

it comes with no conditions.

Hugs and smiles are handed out

Encouragement overflows

There is a place for you here,

To dream and breath and grow.

Help to navigate your future,

Give you strength for your tomorrows.

So rest your weary head,

Here in this safe place.

Put your feet up for a moment

Come and rest for a little while…

You are welcome here,

As you are, without measure.

Come in and be yourself,

You are part of the family now.

Welcome home!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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