Nicci Toomey

Nicci Toomey

Nicci Toomey is a wife and mother, living on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

Navigating life and her family’s multiple disabilities, she discovers resurrected hope amongst broken dreams on a daily basis. 

Not a ‘forever’ Christian, after only discovering Jesus in her late thirties, Nicci’s greatest desire is to share the difference a relationship with Jesus, makes.  After living a ‘full’ life for 30 plus years, she has spent the last 12 years discovering her ‘real’ life.  Finding the bless in the mess and keeping her eyes on the Son, while praying others will be inspired to do the same.

Nicci would categorise herself as an ‘introverted people lover’ who relishes a quiet, calm and ordered environment.  It should come as no surprise when she lists her favourite get-away to be ‘a hotel room all to myself, with room service.’