You Are… BRAVE!

March 14, 2018

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

Brave is described in the English Dictionary to mean: ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage; to endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.

Courage and Bravery are often confused. I think the difference between the two is slight but relevant – Bravery is the ability to confront pain, danger, or attempts of intimidation without any feeling of fear… Courage, on the other hand, is the ability to undertake an overwhelming difficulty or pain despite the eminent and unavoidable presence of fear. I like to think of it like this: Courage is a whisper, Bravery is a Shout. Courage is believing you can do it even when you’re scared, Bravery is actually doing it despite being scared.

Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon.

Psalm 31:24 (MSG)

I’ve found that in the Bible, the word BRAVE is usually accompanied by the words ‘strong’ and ‘warrior’. I think that’s because in order to be truly brave, you have to have a strength within you. A confidence in yourself that you are a warrior and that whatever it is that is requiring your bravery, you have this undeniable, indefensible strength to rise up and meet it and beat it. A don’t give up kind of attitude. A whatever it takes mindset.

I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics these past few weeks and as I’m lounging away on my couch with a cuppa & a cookie, I can’t help but think about the incredible bravery of every single athlete that is competing. I’m struck by the enormous amount of bravery it takes each one of them to get to where they are today. The bravery to train and prepare their bodies; the bravery to consistently show up and put in the hard work; the bravery to trust their coaches and teams; the bravery to put their bodies through extreme discipline & pain; the bravery of getting up after they have crashed; the bravery to face potential failure; the bravery to do everything that they can to win. Think of all the things that they’ve had to give up to get there; think of all the difficulties they could have faced; think of all the possible negative self-talk and unbelief that they have had to overcome. I am convinced that to be an Olympic Athlete, it takes incredible courage and bravery.

When I reflect on all the incredible people I have known who have fought battles with chronic illness and cancer, I am again struck by their bravery. Some have lost the battle, others have fought hard and come out the other end victorious, and still others are yet in the midst of their battle. Every single one is brave. Brave for facing a doctor and hearing bad news, brave for fighting, brave for facing treatment and putting their bodies through all kinds of tests, brave for trusting their doctors and medical staff, brave for not giving up, brave for loving those around them through the journey and incredibly brave for living and surviving.

I believe each one of you are brave. You may not be an Olympic Athlete, you may not have been born with a disability, you may not have had to struggle through a chronic illness or disease, but you are incredible and you are brave. We all have our struggles and battles, we all have our difficulties and weaknesses, we all have stuff to work through, goals to achieve and mountains to face – it takes a certain amount of bravery to pull it all off and live.

Think of a Lion. The most feared and revered animal in the kingdom. He is fierce and powerful. His roar is magnificent, yet, he can also be gentle. He looks after his family, he finds food for them, he defends them and his territory. He faces animals bigger in size than he and fights victoriously. He is the epitome of Brave!

Bravery is never giving up – fighting even when the chips are down, when there doesn’t seem to be any other way. It’s fighting until the end. Bravery is standing up for what you believe. It’s speaking for those who cannot speak. Bravery to me is living, its surviving when everyone else has given up hope. It’s staying and fighting for a marriage that seems to be falling apart around you. It’s gritting your teeth and holding your tongue when your enemy is baiting you with lies. It’s praying endlessly for that one who needs to find salvation. It’s loving, yet disciplining your children even though the world does parenting differently. It’s getting up in the middle of the night to change a nappy or nurse a sick loved one, with a smile on your face. It’s turning up to work and doing your best, even though you hate your job or your boss has it in for you. Bravery is pushing through, pursuing better, going the extra mile.

When I think about bravery, I think of the movie ‘Braveheart’. This man had seemingly lost everything, his wife, his family, his village. Yet, he still rose up, gathered an army and fought for what he believed in. He fought for freedom. To me, that is bravery at it’s finest. It’s believing that there is something bigger and better and taking steps to seek and find it. It’s working through and walking from where you are right now to get to the other side. Bravery is showing up even when all you want to do is run away. It’s facing the challenge and fighting for victory. It’s not giving up. It’s facing your fears and getting on with it.

Author, Annie F. Downs, in her book – 100 ways to Brave, puts it this way: “Being brave is hearing that voice of fear in your head, but saying, “Okay, but the truth is, God made me on purpose and for a purpose.””  I reckon Annie is pretty spot on right there. You definitely have a purpose and sometimes, you’re going to need to put your brave on to fulfil that purpose.

Over the past few years, Ps. Bobbie Houston has been working through a series with Sisterhood, (which is for all the girls, women, ladies, females of Hillsong Church) called “Brave Women Run In My Family”. There are some incredibly wonderful and brave women mentioned throughout the Bible and this series spot-lighted each single women mentioned and highlighted their story and ultimately, their bravery. It had such an impact on me – each one had their own struggles, yet each one found strength, courage and bravery to face their circumstances, stand up and be all that God created them to be.

So you, beautiful one are Brave. You are brave because Brave women run in my family and they run in yours too. We are children of God and in our heritage, the Bible tells me that there are some incredibly brave people. I am convinced that some of that bravery and courage has been inherited by you and me. God created us Brave!

Even though you may not always feel it, I need you to believe it. Look back over your life and see how far you’ve come. Look at all you’ve achieved, all that you have done. You didn’t get to this moment without a little bit of brave in you, did you? Now, look at your future. It’s gonna need a little bit or maybe even a lot of bravery to get where you want to go, I’m sure. But, lovely one, that’s okay, because you already have it in you. You are… BRAVE!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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