November 20, 2017

(Previously Published on Mrs Words Blog)

The word GENUINE is defined in the English dictionary as ‘truly what something is said to be; authentic; possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality or origin; not counterfeit; properly so-called; free from pre-tense, affection or hypocrisy; descended from the original stock; pure in breed.

The word originated in the late 16th century (in the sense ‘natural or proper’): from Latin genuinus, from genu ‘knee’ (with reference to the Roman custom of a father acknowledging paternity of a newborn child by placing it on his knee); later associated with genus ‘birth, race, stock’.

It’s hard to write on this word without emphasising ‘real and authentic’ – and I want to explore those two words at another time, but for this post, I want to focus on the saying about being a genuine article.  

I don’t know what that means to you, but I immediately remember the time that I was panning for gold as a young child on a school excursion. My friends all lost interest after only a few minutes, but I was so determined to find some of this priceless material that I kept at it for as long as I was allowed.

I was so excited when I found the tiniest speck of gold glimmering in my pan after what seemed like hours of searching. I hurried to my teacher to show off my magnificent find only to have them say “oh yes! you have found some gold, but it’s only fools gold not the genuine article”.  

I was stumped. I was convinced that I had found something so precious, so beautiful, so treasured. I had never heard that there was a fake option for gold until that moment. I felt cheated. I had wasted so much time and missed out on other parts of the excursion only to turn up with something that was worth nothing. Merely an imitation. Definitely not the genuine article. How devastating for a little one to have to come to terms with.

It made me aware, at that young age, that not everything is real and that I couldn’t believe everything was priceless and valuable, even if it’s supposed to be.  

As a teenager, I again met with a similar scenario. My boyfriend at the time gave me a beautiful necklace with a heart-shaped pendant that had a little diamond in it. I was in awe of the gorgeous piece of jewellery and showed it off to all my friends. Many of them just scoffed at me instead of celebrating with me. They couldn’t believe that my boyfriend spent that much money on me to get an actual diamond. They reasoned that it was a cubic zirconia for sure.  

Not knowing what the fuss was all about, I asked my unsuspecting boyfriend if it was a “real diamond or a fake one”. He was so offended that I would even question him about that. “Of course it is a diamond,” he said, “REAL, not fake. You deserve the best!” I was proud as punch with that but was still bothered by the fact that there was also a fake alternative to this precious, priceless, treasured gem available also. So, I did some research.

Cubic zirconia is a synthetic substance and is one of the most popular diamond substitutes. It is made of zirconium dioxide and is relatively hard (8.0-8.5 on the Mohs scale), although not as hard and durable as real diamond (which is a 10 on the Mohs scale). Cubic zirconia is much cheaper than diamonds, but it scratches more easily, and this is why it tends to lose its brilliance after being worn for some time.

(Jewellery Notes)

Imagine with me for a moment. Picture a beautiful glimmering diamond lying on a cloth next to a cubic zirconia. The real next to the fake. The genuine next to the imitation. It’s really quite something.

The diamond looks flawless. It’s clear and sparkles as the light hits it, reflecting all the colours of the rainbow so effortlessly. It’s simply stunning as it rests proudly next to a human made, slightly cloudy, not so brilliantly shining stone that is the cubic zirconia.

The diamond doesn’t need to have a voice to yell out “pick me, I’m the real one”, it simply stands in its understated beauty, glowing so brightly that you can’t help but notice that next to the other choice, it really is the genuine article.  

That’s you! You are that diamond. The genuine article. You are the real version of you! You are all and everything that God created. So wonderfully, beautifully, uniquely you! You are genuine.

You don’t need to pretend to be someone else. You don’t need to ‘fake it until you make it’. You don’t need to copy or imitate your friends. You don’t need to wear the clothes they wear, or speak like they speak, or do what they do. ‘They‘ are probably trying to be just like you. You don’t need to try to be anything other than who you are. You just simply need to breathe and be. It really is that simple.

‘For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’

Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)

The Bible tells us that we are wonderfully made. God created you. He made you just as you are. You are no mistake. You were knit together in the womb. Intentionally, carefully crafted by the Master designer.

Each intricate part of you, all the strange, funny, weird bits that make up you. All the talents, gifts, abilities and dreams that are within you. All the beautiful features and annoying bits that just don’t seem to work right. All of you.

Genuine! The one and only version of you. With all your fears, failures and faults – beautiful, genuine, lovely and wonderfully made. You are genuine! Not fake, not an imitation but pure, real, genuine!  

Oh and by the way, later that year, my boyfriend gave me a 18 carat gold friendship ring set with sapphires and diamonds. I didn’t dare ask him if it was real. I just wore it proudly and trusted that he gave me the genuine article because I was worthy of it. Just as you are.

Genuine and worthy of the absolute best. Fearfully and wonderfully made. You are genuine!

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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