Your Best Life. Now

December 11, 2019

Your best life now

Despite what social media tells us every day, imperfect is totally ok, normal in fact. This side of heaven we live in imperfection. But that doesn’t mean to say that you can’t still live your best life right now. Imperfection is reality, but making the most of what we can in the midst of that imperfection is what we humans are made to do. Just because we are living in imperfection, doesn’t mean we should just give up and live in the muck.

I have learnt through working in interior design that there will never be a perfect solution for a home. However, there is always a better, an even better, and often a best solution within the limitations I have to work with. True creativity after all is birthed in limitations, not in absolute freedom. So I believe, despite your lack of money/time/opportunity/______(fill in the blank) you can live your best life now.

I started thinking about this concept of living my best life now after our third move to a new rental in three years. I realised I’d been putting off some things until we were settled in our “own” property. But in the current conditions, it isn’t yet the season to be able to purchase our own house. So, I asked myself: what am I putting off because we are not “settled”? There were two things that came to mind – chickens and a trampoline. As ridiculous as it sounds, these were two things I’d wanted for our family for a long time, and things that I had put off year after year.

As my own ideal of a home continued to elude me I could see my children flying the coup before I’d realised these dreams for their childhood. So, we decided to go ahead and do it now, at the risk having to move these things on again in 12 months. We got a cheap trampoline, and hand me down chickens. And you know what? These things have helped us feel more grounded and at home than we could ever have guessed. We have collected eggs, planted a vegetable patch, and shared the trampoline with many visiting kids. Having just signed a lease for a second year, I am so glad we planted where we are, even if it was for an uncertain amount of time. It turns out it was worth it.

So, what could it be for you? Are there things you are putting off that stand between you and your best life?

The first step to living our best life right now is to recognise what that best life actually looks like. I don’t know about you, but I can easily be confused about what my best life looks like when I see an array of beautiful 20 somethings living their best lives (as engineered by some form of media) in front of me daily. I wrestle with not being at the age and stage that our society glorifies, and the reality that I am in fact in quite a different stage.

For me, I blinked and now it is 40s, raising children, school runs, food shopping, and endless laundry. How can that be my best life? It’s important to take a step back from the deception we are sold that eternal youth and materialism will bring us any actual fulfilment in life. “I’m so glad I had the latest watch and no crows feet” said no one, ever, on their death bed. It always comes down to the relationships and the experiences and wisdom gained from a full life.

So, as you think about your best life now, it may help to look ahead to the next chapter of your life and consider what you would appreciate having done in this season, or regret having not done. Without comparison, but rather as the person God has made you, at the stage that He has thus far led you to, with the people who join you on the journey – what does YOUR best life look like? Take some time right now to write down your thoughts.

Now, open your eyes and look around – where do you see seeds of these things already? What have you previously asked for and have now received? When you start to look, it’s surprising how many answered prayers we are living in and forget to see. I hope that when you start looking at your best life, you realise that much of the picture is already in front of you. Even if life has taken a turn you didn’t want, even in the imperfection, do you see the gifts?

Finally, with our gratitude turned on, what is something in your control that you could adjust to make this more your best personal life? For me, travel has been out of the question for several years, but because we value what it will give our children, we are in the process of saving for that. It may take a while, but I don’t want to leave myself regrets.

Perhaps you value showing hospitality but don’t feel you have the space. What could you do to make that happen? Declutter? Invite people to the park for a picnic? Get an outdoor table? I dare you to take just one small step towards a better life and see what happens. Just remember, big things grow from small seeds – but they take time to do so.

I hope you’re encouraged that your best life can exist alongside imperfection in this very season, however messy it is. The more you dig for gold in the here and now, the more you will find you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

1 Comment

  1. Juliet Fieldew

    Hey Emma, that was beautiful. Thank you. 🙂

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