Your Life Is Your Testimony

February 4, 2021

All of my life, for as long as I can remember I have loved and served God. There just really hasn’t been any other way that I’ve wanted to do life. When I was a young girl, I loved God because my parents taught me to and because I loved being at Church and visiting with all my friends, who always seemed so cool.

When I was a teenager, I remember making the choice regularly to live right. I wanted to know what God’s word said about all the choices that I was facing. I actively sort wise counsel and immersed myself into the Word to figure out if what I had heard and what I thought was right, was in actual fact the truth. I can remember for a period of a few years in my early teens, where I was daily making decisions to try to live according to the standard that the Bible taught me, rather than just go along with the status quo and what every one else was doing.

However, as I got older, I really struggled with the idea that I didn’t have a testimony to share. You know, one of the great hard-knock-life culminating in a life-changing come-to-Jesus moment and the-rest-is-history kind of testimony. I had always just been a really good girl that loved and followed Jesus all my life. Sure, I’ve made some mistakes and I could never be called perfect, but I never experienced any of the life altering addictions or bad choices that a lot of my friends had succumbed to.

It’s only been in the last few years that I have realised that this is my testimony. I have always had a testimony. The fact that I don’t have a come-to-Jesus type of testimony, is my actual testimony. I can share of God’s sustaining, never-ending, unchanging love for me that I have known for my entire life. I can tell of His faithfulness and His steadfastness because I have lived it and experienced it.

The Lord has kept me from addiction, harm, sexual sin, and bad environments. He has kept me safe and secure in His arms. I haven’t experienced the harsh reality of the kind of hard-knock-life that so many others have, but that alone is my testimony. I have experienced God and His infinite love through all the seasons of life.

Throughout my childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, marriage, and parenting, He has been my constant. Through study, employment, unemployment, financial success and financial struggles He has guided me through. Through depression, misunderstandings, promotion and demotion He has held me under His wing. I have never faced a season without knowing the absolute love of my saviour and that is my testimony.

He has carried me through it all and I couldn’t possibly imagine my life without Almighty Father in it. Fully entrenched and growing deeper. My testimony is that in every season, He has been there. I have changed and grown, failed and succeeded, and through it all God remains a constant. And I can’t help getting excited about that! I am so grateful for His Grace and His faithfulness. He saves, heals, delivers and sets free, and His love for us is never-ending and unchanging. I am so grateful that I can call myself a child of God!

What about you? What is your testimony? Do you have a history of hardship and being saved by God’s redeeming grace? Or, do you have a similar story to mine? I would love to hear your story. Hearing that God’s love and faithfulness has carried someone else through is always an encouragement, so please take a moment to share your testimony.

By Conny Stewart

Founder of The Whole Living Hub, Wife to Jonathan, Mother to Four Gorgeous Humans, God-Lover, Writer, Book-Reader, Nature-Admirer, Champion of Women, Passionately Helping Others to Live a Life of Wholeness.

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